Hello everyone. I wrote a couple of weeks ago about visiting the dentist and finding out that she knew about Pernicious anaemia. She is recently qualified and it was part of her dental exam, and she was questioned about it. I was stunned because she was only the second person I had found since 2015, My Gp's, neurologist and haemotologist hadn't known about it so like most of you I self medicate and inject EOD .
You asked if the dentist would be able to prescribe B12 so I asked her................Sadly no, but, she said she would refer anyone with symptoms, tongue, lips, gums etc to the oral dental hospital where they could, or she could be in contact with a gp practice. Sorry, how wonderful it would have been to have someone knowledgeable and willing to help. I see her in a couple of weeks so can ask anything else., she is very interested and helpful. Take care everyone , best wishes to you all.