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All posts for June 2021

Advice please on symptom / pain control on pred and W London rheumatologist

Morning all. I have a few questions if I may about my symptoms and pred. Been on...
Grannyasbo profile image

The lurgy

As if the bodily afflictions weren’t enough I’ve now developed an ever growing r...
Singr profile image

Supplements and results

Has anyone who has improved with pred and extra suppliments. What did you take a...
Lynnwd6 profile image
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Rheumatology appointment

Had my first appointment with rheumatologist on Saturday. I have been taking 15m...
chess430 profile image

Dealing with GCA flare

i am now 6 days into a self diagnosed flare up of GCA. currently on 6 mg Pred a...
Carver63 profile image

Alternative medication

Recently diagnosed with PMR . Preds not working feeling unwell . Is there an alt...
Juapce63 profile image

Pred increase not helping

It’s now just over 2 weeks since I was bumped up to 15mg after major flare and I...
Abbey17 profile image

Tinnitus re Withdrawal of Prednisolone

I have developed tinnitus since withdrawing from prednisolone. Could it be the s...

Do any of you suffer from swollen joint?

Or to be more precise - I am swollen between the knuckles on hand and feet, and...
krillemy profile image

Is valerian ok to take with pred?

Still having difficulty sleeping due partly to pred I presume and also gastric p...
WillOllier profile image

Update to Q of what GCA headaches are like - bad reaction to covid vaccine

So after many, many ER visits and Drs my possible GCA is TMJ/TMD and inflammator...
HealthCW profile image

Continuation of Tocilizumab treatment in UK needed- Help or advice needed please.

I know not many people with LVV/ GCA in the UK are being treated w...
Suzita76 profile image

Sharing so we can all be vigilant....staph and strep infection

As most know, I have GCA. About six weeks ago, I had a slight infection on my f...
Grammy80 profile image

Bloomin’ Pneumonia

Well, irritatingly I am in hospital with pneumonia! Complete pain - and I’m cros...
Thelmarina profile image

Advance in RA treatment

I thought this might be of interest:...
Sefu profile image

Prednisone withdrawal, Pepcid withdrawal?

I am sick as a dog. Weak as a kitten, can barely function. nausea, loss of app...
phebamom profile image

Tapering and pains

I managed to taper down from 20 mg to 2 and a half prenisolone then rheumatoid c...
Hidden profile image

Are blackouts normal with PMR?

Hi All. Managed to persuade my GP to up my dose from 15 to 20 mg, which I have ...
LBM1953 profile image

Cataract Surgery

I had a cataract surgery on my right eye 3 weeks ago and I have a dark crescent ...
Thirtynine39 profile image

Something else

Has anyone developed severe osteo arthritis after coming off preds of 2 years du...
Valentina1 profile image

Mis-diagnosis of PMR

Good Morning, was diagnosed with PMR in March this year (eventually), started st...
Pocketdog profile image

Has anyone had any muscle pains after having a bath?

Yesterday, I thought I'd have a nice soak as I usually shower. I have been on 12...
MiloCollie profile image


LVV diagnosed in Dec 2020. On 10. M. g Pred and 8 Mex every Sunday. Recently in ...
Elbowpiece profile image

Mouth ulcers

Hi all, I wasted my time last Tues. I didn't get to speak with the Rhuemi. but n...
loomweaver profile image

GCA and Polycythemia Vera

Hi. I am writing on the off- chance that someone on this site may be able to hel...

My adrenals have given up. Any advice?

Hi everyone. I was diagnosed with PMR4+ years ago. I also have other health issu...
BrenatPMR profile image

Leg pain and potassium

My daughter researched leg pain and discovered that lack of potassium in our die...
Diyfan profile image


Hi.i have never had hayfever in my life.just wondering if anyone can help.just w...
Flosy profile image

Acid reflux leading to referred pain in back

Hi again I wrote recently about concerns re. going for endoscopy and received g...
WillOllier profile image

Swollen ankles and legs

I am currently on 5mg of Pred and for the past 3 weeks have suffered from swolle...
Ashington52 profile image