As if the bodily afflictions weren’t enough I’ve now developed an ever growing rash on my chest and shoulders. Unfortunately at night I scratch them. I’ve tried gloves to no success. Turns out I’m also allergic to the adhesive on plasters. My skin used to be my shining glory. Lovely tone and very youthful. Now it’s paper thin, can see all my veins and I have this rash lurgy which is leaving scarring. GP is stumped. Not chicken pox. Been referred to dermatologist. Anyone else had anything like it?
The lurgy: As if the bodily afflictions weren’t... - PMRGCAuk
The lurgy

Hi singr. I can’t offer any advice but just wanted to express empathy and support. I used as a younger person have quite bad eczema so know what nasty itchy sleepless nights are like. I hope you get some relief soon. Take care.
I don't know if this is the same, but I have been finding over the years that whenever I get a bruise (quite often now) then the skin starts to really itch such that it often has kept me awake. The only thing that helps then is anti-histamine tablets and moisturising the skin as much as possible.Who knows if this is due to PMR, Pred or something else!

Have you changed any of your medications? Manufacturer? Washing stuff? You mightn't have changed - but the manufacturer may have.
Pred can cause acne - did the GP consider that?
Hi. I also have this sort of (lurgy) rash, it itches like mad, I too have taken every conceivable antihistamine going, nothing stopped it, I’ve also tried various ointments, some over the counter some from my doctor.
I eventually emailed my doc, I took photos of my rash and a list of all the products I’ve used, she prescribed a very strong steroid cream which seems to have done the trick. Mometasone furoate ointment.
Hope this helps.