Morning all. I have a few questions if I may about my symptoms and pred. Been on 15mg a day for nearly 3 weeks which I now take as soon as I wake (usually about 7.30am). My pain comes on around 30/40 mins after waking when I get up and start moving around and doing things eg empty dishwasher. Not too bad (moderate). If I don’t do anything physical it reduces over the day to low/ almost none by evening. If I do anything physical even very light (15 mins gentle dead heading roses) it comes back and let’s me know it’s there. Stress causes headache (not a GCA type am relived to say) and fatigue.
I have in last week developed painful wrists / pads on hands, bilateral and they feel sort of hot inside. Worried about RA now. My GP is great and being very diligent (but seems to follow guidelines to the letter) and is still not convinced I have PMR, I’m open to this discussion but think I do... probably. I’m talking with her on Thursday again. I know from this forum (🙏) that it can take 6 weeks to get full benefits of pred.
So here are my questions:
- in order to “spring clean” the inflammation is the aim to get totally pain free first before any taper is considered?
- if that’s right I feel I should at least do the 6 weeks before anything else, do you think that’s right?
- in case my gp wants to refer me to rheumatologist can anyone recommend a good PMR rheumatologist in west London. My local Nhs trusts are Imperial or Chelsea and Westminster. But very willing to go further for a good one.
Thank you all so much for this forum. Couldn’t do it without you. X