Four plus years into this adventure and I have a good sign of some return to normalcy. I have always had strong nails and the splitting and shattering going on for so long now was something I thought was forever. Not! Down to a solid 5 mg and, lo and behold, they are firming up and hard to file, just like old times. It's like an old friend returning home. Just one concrete sign that the old me is still in there. Can't crow about the rest of it yet as I don't want to jinx the progress, but I had to share this one little piece of it.
My finger nails are growing strong again! - PMRGCAuk
My finger nails are growing strong again!

Excellent News 💅🏼

Every little thing is a bonus!
Is that another PMR sign, my nails have been breaking for ages?
Snap! Mine have finally strengthened up and grown to a good length. I am at 4 mgs and think maybe I have Calcium to spare at last. My toenails are rubbish though but I think it’s my foot Psoriasis.
It makes you feel so good when one of these little positive steps forward in your health happen doesn't it?
Glad to hear that things are on the up , it's a slow process but they do say the best things are worth waiting for! 😘
Oddly my nails seem to have been better recently than pre Pred (15 months post dx, now on 6mg pred). I had been wondering if it was the Adcal-D3? Anyone else or just me?

OTOH, my nails were awful with PMR pre-pred. On pred they grew and got stronger than ever before!
Well, if there is any common factor in our all being here, it is that our experiences are as varied as they can be. Keeps us on our toes!
All my life my nails have been weak and prone to splitting and tearing off, sometimes painfully. I have had to keep them very short. As with PMRpro, since pred they are strong and magnificent. I will be ecstatic when the time comes to be off pred but sad to say goodbye to my wonderful nails. Diagnosed Feb 2018, presently 7.5mg.
I had strange horizontal ridges on my nails prior to PMR, still have them on my thumbs. It seemed to me that the capsules for my vit D deficiency improved them dramatically. So, the summer weather might well be helping.
Great!! X
Encouraging signs always welcome.❤
Well, it appears the pred-improved nails have it. Interesting. Maybe in retrospect, I'll see what it was. For now, I'll take it! Never knew how much I used them as a tool until I didn't have them.