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All posts for July 2021


I have dropped down from 5mg to 3mg in halves really easily.. No pain or side ef...
diana1998 profile image

I can't complete my profile. Following the statement that I have pmr I'm asked for 'Associated Treatments'. What does that mean?

Every time I enter 'Prednisolone' in answer to the question 'Associated Treatme...
Purple-Owl profile image

Update on rheumy appt

Had a very satisfying appt on Monday with rheumy which was arranged by specialis...
Topcar profile image
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Hi keep getting a lump of fluid and then it-gets bruised does anyone else get th...
Rottsuzi profile image

PMR Life changing in so many ways

In early December 2020 I was suddenly immobilized by chronic left/right shoulder...
Hidden profile image

Forgot tablets

Uh oh! Spent weeks getting flare under control and nearly there, feeling conside...
Abbey17 profile image

Concerns that taking daily prednisolone reduces the efficacy of the Covid vaccine

Hi, I’m new here and pleased to join the forum. I was diagnosed with polymyalgia...
Laineydee profile image

Does anyone have worse symptoms with different brands of Prednisolone?

I have been trying to decrease my dosage from 40mg since last September. Managed...
cisy profile image

Stress related issues

Beethovenite here. I am interested that people think stress is a cause of tempo...

Can anyone read this bloodwork request? Please see photo and translate if you can. Thanks in advance.👍

I'm confident it starts with FBC profile then ESR then I lose it!!
MiloCollie profile image

I feel a bit left to my own devices but I'm not worried

Started pred 15mg on 23rd April, stayed on this for 6 weeks (a bit longer than I...
MiloCollie profile image

Dropping down to 10mg

Hi you lovely people 😊 After little bit of advice as feel bit stuck with what I...
Shiba64 profile image

Uncertainty over A&E advice

had a viral Covid vector vaccine recently & six days in, I started with unrelent...
RubbleTum profile image

Still on steroids

Hi I have had all the tests and they are sure i don’t have gca, although I’m kep...
Bauldy profile image

Rheumatologist consultation since my original post

Today I have, finally, received a copy of a letter from my Rheumatologist, sent ...
Flivoless profile image


Hi all, just had my weekly appointment with gp and due to covid not able to hav...
Hidden profile image

For those who may have completed the original prescription charges consultation they have added an extra question.
Bcol profile image


Morning, my sleep pattern over the last week or so has been hr on hr off then wa...
Hidden profile image

Hi newby here.

Hi everyone, bit upset to say the least, had my first dexascan yesterday and the...
Hidden profile image

Down to 10mg Pred instantly!

Hello again, Just seen a rheumatologist for the first time, having been diagnose...
Silver-Babe profile image

Covid precautions that matter

Since it is to be handed over to the general public to use common sense, and be...
PMRpro profile image


Worth a read
Uglow profile image

Methexotrate withdrawal

Hi all, my rheumy put me on 15mg Methotrexate on 1 st March to help me gradually...
Magster54 profile image


Do you get steroids for fybromyalgia I thought it was for poly and giant cell !!...
Uglow profile image

Too big a taper of prednisolone? What are the symptoms?

I have experienced the worst fatigue and weakness ever. I really scared myself....
pomeranion profile image

Wasp stings and PMR?

Well I’ll be everyone’s guinea pig with regards to wasp stings. This afternoon a...
Boss302Fan profile image

Tapering pred dose.

I live in South Africa and the smallest prednisone tablets available here are 5m...
Hankb profile image

Erratic heart caused by adrenals?

Hi all. Odd one. I got put on bisoprolol, small dose, Feb 2018 as I was getting ...
Nagswoman profile image

Is it back?

I stopped taking prednisone last November after a two year taper from 50 mg. Com...
Logic profile image

Do side effects to methotrexate change over time?

Just started taking methotrexate today 15mg, feel tired and a bit more achy in s...
Susan1705 profile image