Do you get steroids for fybromyalgia I thought it was for poly and giant cell !!
Fybromyalgia : Do you get steroids for fybromyalgia... - PMRGCAuk

Steroids will not help will Fibromyalgia unfortunately.

Pred doesn't work in fibro - it isn't an inflammatory disorder. I don't care what some doctors clai - if pred works it isn't fibro.
Thank you so much ladies for saying steroids don’t work for fibromyalgia.I have pmr and everyone keeps saying I have fibromyalgia!
As long as your doctor knows the difference - but even they get it wrong. And don't always know the differnce between arthritis and arteritis ... And don't get me started on some nurses when it comes to that!
May I ask how old you are coz the consultant said my daughter in law is too you g to have polymyalgia. I know it’s usually older people she is 42
She isn't too young - the youngest reported case in the medical literature was 24 I think. It isn't that you CAN'T have it, it is just very rare. But that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Same with GCA - a 37 year old man in South Wales died of a stroke due to GCA - proven at post mortem, The pathologist knows it all - just too late ...
Hi uglow,I started having problems with my spine and shoulders when I was in my late 30 s.
It’s a terrible feeling when no one believes you ie doctors etc…
My old doctor saw it straight away and put me on pred,within a day I was so much better.
But it’s been a hard and long journey,I m still on pred from 60mg down to 9 mg!
I still get pain and discomfort everyday,I m so tired.
No one understands what we go through,I ve had no support from anyone family included!
I do hope your daughter gets more help and understanding than a lot of us on here.
Best wishes
Sorry it’s late answering you back,I didn’t finish until late.I ve had my coccyx removed,and had a spinal fusion,I also have degenerative disc disease,facet joint arthritis at the lumbar spine.
Mild canal stenosis of my lumbar spine.
Diffuse disc bulge,then moderately severe canal stenosis at L4/L5and another minor diffuse disc bulge at L5/S1the list goes on!
So I m in discomfort most of the time I m moving around and working,now that does become very painful I have strong painkillers.
How are you now with your pain?
Hope your well.