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All posts for March 2019

Warning about trolling

Please do NOT respond to posts from our new "friend" Judy. Just report them if y...
PMRpro profile image

GCA back with a vengeance

I will start off that my Kitty Nellie was sick for a month and we finally put he...
Hidden profile image

How do I report someone for a post which does not seem ‘right’ for PMRGCA forum ?

I have just received a notification of a post from ‘Judy’ who is a 33 year old A...
Mary63 profile image
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Brilliant app. With Endo!

Just home from first app. With Endocrinologist. He listened carefully to what I ...
Marlenec profile image

Pred, Ibuprofen, Tylenol (Paracetemol)

A lot of people have said in the forum that ibuprofen "doesn't do anything" for ...
schmuppy profile image

Antidepressants helping PMR

Having had polymyalgia for just over 2 1/2 years it is taking its toll on my bod...


This was intriguing. After being on pred for a little while I noticed tingly sen...

PMR and GCA - IS THIS A 'MAZE' !! ??

Hello Everyone Just reflecting on the 'maze' quality of this (or these) illness(...
Rimmy profile image

MTX versus Prednisolone

Having been on steroids since May 2015 I will be going onto MTX 2 May 2019. Can ...
Lizardsyl profile image

Methotrexate and Ibuprofen

I need to understand what my rheumy is suggesting. I'm tapering down to 4 mg pre...
Joan-E-D profile image


just wondering if folks out there taking a probiotic, I have had IBS for years, ...
arvine profile image

Pmr/gca or myosthinia gravis?

I went to my rheumatologist for first time yesterday. He's doing bloodwork again...

To up or not to up ?

Hi all, well I am still on 7mg, still hip an back pain and for the last couple o...
jules1955 profile image


I am a Canadian follower and I love this site, Lots of great info. I read about...
Robinsnest72 profile image

Tapering Approach

Diagnosed with PMR Nov18.Started on 15mg Pred and began tapering down to 10mg 6w...
Themidget profile image


Dr. has diagnosed me with tmj, have been on 17.05 Pred for 3 mths, this came out...
Fifelassieo profile image


In my previous post, I mentioned that I was having pretty severe intercostal rib...
Manchild profile image

A question for the ladies re bra fitting

My shoulders are so swollen that my normal bra straps cut in really badly. Has a...
Wraysbury profile image

Advice needed

Hi my Gp, Rhumatologost and the optition all day I don’t have GCA and won’t do ...
dizzyblond1 profile image

Noisy night breathing with prednisone?

My husband says he’s sleeping better lately because my noisy night breathing has...

Hair loss from prednisone?

Late in my 11 months on prednisone, I experienced hair loss that was more pronou...


Last week I sent a post explaining that my GP said I had a return of GCA because...

Steroid taper after a GCA flare

After feeling very unwell for the past couple of days with headaches which sugge...
pinks33 profile image

Can a PMR relapse resolve without Prednisone?

I was off prednisone for less than 2 months when pains and stiffness began to re...

Split the dose. And it’s working!!!

Hi everyone. I was having pain between shoulders when I slept and was very sti...

Laughter helps.

This made me smile


I have it. Had to cancel my trip to Sweden. feel VERY sorry for myself. BUT thin...
yogabonnie profile image

Could this be a flare up

After experiencing neck pain and stiffness I have upped my preds from 10 to 12mg...
Pinkpepper profile image

Missed the meeting at Ilkley

Hello newly diagnosed via GP. I could not make the meeting at Ilkley due to Hubb...
sauntergirl76 profile image

Under arm red marks!

So in a week where I was feeling chipper - bloods all normal and cholesterol 6.0...
Pongo13 profile image