GCA back with a vengeance: I will start off that my... - PMRGCAuk


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GCA back with a vengeance

29 Replies

I will start off that my Kitty Nellie was sick for a month and we finally put her to sleep. Yep I was and am still missing her. But, a week after putting her down a neighbor died and I took 1 of her 5 cats. It was as high a stress month that I can remember.

So, GCA time. My old rheumatologist told me and I agreed that my GCA had gone into remission and we only had to deal with PMR.

So last Friday I got the jaw pain, right temporal pain... hazy eyes is what sent me to ER .

I was holding pretty steady at 11 mgs. So I had taken an extra 20. My labs had gone up so was not planning on going any lower than the 11 mgs.

So at ER I was being scolded for moving to my little town. He said what are you doing here with the diseases you have. I smiled and said I have a creek in my back yard. He shook his head and left the room. He called a good friend about me and I was told to call on Monday for an emergency appt. with an eye doctor! the earliest they could get me in was Wednesday.

So ER night they bumped me up to 90 mgs. And then a week at 60 mgs. Until I saw eye doc.

So the eye doctor is 3 hrs away and I decided to take our city bus and my sister met me in town and we got to see each other.

But the night before my trip I got a bladder infection. So luckily it was our little city bus taking some of us to the big city and Roger would let me know when the next restroom would be. I got off three times. THEN my sister said it was just nerves and I told her this was different. I almost ignored it but knew I had a bladder infection. The trip home I only stopped twice.

So the eye doc did an extremely thorough exam and my eyes look great ... He was very knowledgeable about GCA and he gave me a new tapering schedule.

So am back to square one. The taper will get me to 15 mgs within a month.

I am so weary of all of this.😜🤪

29 Replies
Marlenec profile image

Oh dear, we had our cat of 15 years put to sleep and it was extremely distressing and hurt for a long time afterwards. Really feel for you having all this and the stress it's all causing. I cannot give any medical advice but I'm sure someone will soon. Hang in there! Wishing you well!

Marlene x

in reply to Marlenec

Thanks so much. I was so lost without her and realized she told me when to get up, go back to bed ... she bossed me around all day and I loved it.. she was especially aware of all things and I still giggle when she saw her first deer. Whipped her head to look at me and I said Yep that is a deer.

scats profile image

What a dreadful time!

Remember, whatever life throws at you, you still have a creek in your back yard!

That would lift my spirits on the worst of days.

in reply to scats

I love my creek. I can really hear it at night since it is rushing and getting full. So peaceful to go to sleep by.

Dontwannabesick profile image

So sorry for your loss. My pets are the soldiers in my coping army. Sending you good Karma x

in reply to Dontwannabesick

Yeah I do understand that. Coping without our critters would be so nuts.

CT-5012 profile image

So sorry, you have so much to deal with, loved your answer “I have a creek in my backyard “ Hope you are feeling better very soon. 💐

in reply to CT-5012

I found the doctor a bit of a boar. So I have to travel 2-3 times a year and get the calm of my little town or live in the bigger city with doctors close by and rat race. Hmmmm wonder what one is ultimately better.

CT-5012 profile image
CT-5012 in reply to

Would think the creek wins every time. 😊

in reply to CT-5012

Hands down.

Oh Lin-calif

So sorry to hear about Kitty💔

always a very upsetting experience.

And, now a recurrence of the GCA, glad your eyes are OK & got treatment started ASAP.

Take Care

MrsN 💐

Grants148 profile image

So sorry Lin-calif that your GCA has flared up again, the loss of your cat was very upsetting for you,l hope that your new adopted kitty will give you comfort xx.

in reply to Grants148

I was not looking to get a new cat so soon but one of my neighbors died and she had 5 cats. They would have been shipped across Oregon to the shelter. They kept the apt alone for 1 month and a neighbor had been feeding the cats. He let three go outside and who knows where they went. I ended up taking the 18 lb. calico. About 6 yrs old.

Do you know what you do if a cat hides under your bed? You go under the bed with her. She would purr as I petted her so I knew she would be a good match.

Now she comes to me when I call and I just got back from pharmacy and she is already asleep in my lap. I feel blessed.

SheffieldJane profile image

I bet you are weary of all this! However, I am breathless with admiration at the sensible way you dealt with all this! On top of burying your dear little cat and taking in a needful other one. You are astonishing!

I think Pred plays havoc with the bladder and I’ve only ever had 20 mgs. I’d pit you against GCA any day. Text book action. Keep your bubbling creek.

Thanks Jane I was at first hesitant to go to the ER as my pulse over my right jaw came back after I bumped up to 30mgs. But then my left jaw got in on the action. If it wasn’t for the chance Of blindness I would never have gone. The ER visiting doctor from the big city Bend said he was so close to tossing me in an ambulance and sending me to Bend. Hey I am all for a ride lying down. Wished I could learn to sleep in a moving vehicle hehehe..

My old rheumatologist showed me how to check my pulses and remember he was the apple a day guy. Well I ate my apple but it was painful. My right pulse has always been very hard to feel but when it was gone it was a contributing factor to go in and see doc.

Thanks Jane you are precious.

Pipalina profile image

I'm so sorry to hear about your GCA returning but hope that the next month will pass quickly and it will be under control once again. I'm very pleased you have yourself a new companion too! Best wishes to you, Lin-calif, for brighter days to come - Kathy x

in reply to Pipalina

Thanks Kathy 🙀

linda49 profile image

Hi Lin-calif. I’m so sorry to hear you’re having such a difficult time. Glad that you’ve got started on treatment to bring the GCA under control. I’m sure that creek will also play a big part in your healing. Take care of yourself.


in reply to linda49

Have I mentioned I love my creek... to add to my mix my Tsh level is low so my doc is adjusting my thyroid med which I have had to take since age 19. I feel tired and weak today.

linda49 profile image
linda49 in reply to

It’s not surprising that your thyroid has become dysfunctional too with all that’s going on for you. My GP reduced my thyroxine meds before Christmas in response to blood tests. I then became very tired and quite low in mood for a while but seems ok again now. Hope normal service gets restored soon for you Linda. Take care.

in reply to linda49

Well I found out this morning the antibiotics for my bladder were not the right kind. No wonder I wasn’t getting better. Now am on a new antibiotic .... boy oh boy what next.

linda49 profile image
linda49 in reply to

Very frustrating I know.... I had a similar experience before Christmas. GP prescribed the antibiotics before the lab had reported on the sample. Turned out be resistant to that drug. Next antibiotic was only given for 3 days and the symptoms returned. Third time did the trick!! Hope yours clears up soon. Very debilitating.

in reply to linda49

Yeah she got the results which said resistance. So on new pill. It was unfortunate because I went in on a Thursday n my clinic is closed on Friday so had to wait till Monday but she was right on it early that morning. I feel yuck..... this too will pass...

Jackoh profile image

Always good to hear from someone you haven’t heard from in sometime but sorry you’ve been “ going through it” Hopefully the next month will pass quickly as you reduce - what a blow!! Enjoy your new cat and the creek!! Jackie xx

Hellyowl profile image

Sorry about all your problems, I hope that your GCA diminishes quickly, but pets are a blessing if you can cope with one. We got our dog when I was really ill with GCA, he is a comfort and makes me take exercise when I don't want to, he is also very naughty as many rescue dogs are. He thinks he is human and hates all animal life. He makes me laugh.

in reply to Hellyowl

I love human animals. My new Suzie is coming out of her hide holes and I hope she ends up smart . I think she is as she comes when I call her.

Grants148 profile image

I am so pleased your new cat is obviously giving you some affection,that will be working both ways as this kitty must be missing your neighbour and all her other cats.l am sure he must be aware that you need him as much as he needs you.l am so pleased for you ,it will help you to get over losing your cat and hopefully help with your recovery from the GCA.xx

Ciar profile image

I’m so sorry you lost your cat. Mine got leukemia and died in September. Best cat I ever knew and he was only 7 years. Really feel for you with the return of GCA!

So sorry to hear of your poor kitty. Mine was not the healthiest when I rescued her. She was always skin n bones. I didn’t realize how bad it was. What upsets me is I spend money I don’t have for the Vets. She had been to a vet once a year and last September I even had her teeth cleaned for almost $500 bucks still paying on that. Not one of those vets told me of her issues. This last Vet is a jewel and I know the outcome might not have changed but it would have given her more time.

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