This was intriguing. After being on pred for a little while I noticed tingly sensitive places on my feet the right more so than the left. Years ago I did a reflexology practioners course but never pursued it. However I still have the books and on checking it out the area on my feet corresponds to the adrenal glands. Looks like they are telling me something!!
Adrenals?: This was intriguing. After being on pred... - PMRGCAuk

It would be good to have a session and see if there is any improvement in the production of adrenaline? Not sure how to measure that other than feeling better and lowering the steroids?
Yes but WHAT?
I imagine they are being affected by the pred and are letting me know?? I have been stimulating the area in the hopes that my adrenals won't go to sleep. Interestingly if I do this before bed time I can't sleep. It's ok if I stick to am. My theory is it can't hurt even if it doesn't help. I'll try anything.😊
Yes but WHAT?
My toes in the last year have gone bluish, have been told by Podiatrist it`s probably Reynards…..are worse in the shower...look very dark....and must say my feet and hands are always cold. Have a foot hot water bottle now which is lovely! Another thing to add to the list!
There is something in it, I am sure. My OH is very good at foot rubs and the balls of my feet positively crave the squeezing.

Hello, it’s interesting isn’t it? I wonder how it ties in to the axis because I thought adrenal insufficiency occurred because the pituitary is what is actually turned off, not the adrenal gland. It just sits there waiting for the memo that never comes because the pituitary thinks the body is swimming in cortisol. The pituitary bit in reflexology is somewhere around the toes isn’t it? How did that feel? I wonder how much it upsets the adrenal glands not being used? Adrenaline production is ok because that comes from a different part of the adrenal gland and it stimulates the pituitary to produce Cortisol rather than the other way round. Well, that’s how I understand it.
Can be either - the adrenals themselves may peter out or some or all of the whole HPA axis may just not get going again.