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Strength & Flex

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All posts for March 2018

Hello I started the Strength and Flex today

Hello I'm new to this community, today, in the snow, I started Week 1 and plan t...
Clugg profile image

Here endeth the Lent Challenge

O woes. Oheu. Eheu. Oheu, eheu, oheu etc. You know it's sad but true. Thee mig...

Lent Challenge Day 24 - The Return of the Saturday Suck

exactly as it says in the tin. Who knows, perhaps it will be fun? http://teamrh...
Rignold profile image
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Ye Mighty Lenten Challenge - Catch Up

So I haven't posted a link to the Challenge for a couple of days although the Ch...

Lentchall Day 20 - Halfway mark

Halfway through Lent already. My how time flies when you're having fun. And we a...
Rignold profile image

Lent Challenge Day 19 - Death by Burpees

Yep, I'm afraid so. How bad can it be, right?

Lent Challenge Day 17 - beat pain with pain

Today is a rather sad day in Rhomboidia, but we have a plan to cope with sadness...

It's Snowing outside but Firebreathers are Go! LentChall D15

Well we're in a Red Alert warning area here in Rhomboidia, and with good reason....