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All posts for September 2023


Morning all, hope you can help me , I'm travelling to Kenya in November I've jus...
Kazm04 profile image

Tooth extraction and tocilizumab

Hi I am going to have to have a tooth says chance of jaw n...
WaltzG profile image

What to do for the stiffness.

Coming up on 4 years since I was diagnosed with PMR and GCA. I have tapered to 2...
Cgt1151 profile image
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Anyone for ginger? Role suggested in autimmune disorders

"New research reveals that ginger supplements may offer a promising approach to ...
PMRpro profile image

Polymyalgia and Norovirus

Hi Over the last few days I have had a very unpleasant dose of Novovirus. Thoug...
townlands profile image

Covid infection initiating PMR flareup

I have tested positive for Covid.. it has initiated a PMR flare-up. Gp suggested...

Omeprazole as we taper pred....?

I started on 40mg pred 2 years ago for GCA.Now on the DSNS taper and have curren...
Temoral profile image


I did not have the luxury of asking anesthesiologist about Pred dose as there wa...
Missus835 profile image

Daily posts have stopped

Hi all, I've not had a post from healthunlocked for last 2 days.
vangelis8 profile image

Flying with Tocilizumab

Talk about last minute....looking for reassurance that airline won't confiscate ...
tweety_pie profile image

Steroid dependency and Prediabetes

so - - saw my GP about a raised HBA1c which means I am pre-diabetic and her advi...
MDT1 profile image

Stopped taking prednisolone

My PMR journey started December 2019. As covid started soon afterwards and there...
Dorsetgirl17 profile image

Latest Study Re Long Covid

Given the recent posts about the the next Covid vaccination boosters, I thought...
Bcol profile image

A vaccine for PMR?

This sounds almost too good to be true. But if it works for these other diseases...
papadapadoo profile image

email gone awol?

Just wondering why I haven’t received my daily read/fix from the forum. Have sea...
Ana-16 profile image

Surgery and Pred?

I am due to have a knee replacement fairly soon - I met someone else with PMR ye...
Miserere profile image

Update on Methotrexate side effects

Two weeks ago I posted - My Sister has just called me to say she is in such a b...
jules1955 profile image

Hayfever or PMR?

My eyes have been red, sore and slightly swollen for the past few days. It's Sp...
Louisa1840 profile image

No Daily Digest this morning?

For the first time ever, my Daily Digest hasn't arrived. What am I going to read...
Broseley profile image

Turmeric as antacid - as good as omeprazole maybe?
PMRpro profile image

Vaccinations and GSA

Flu jab today but turned down covid vaccination, I just do not trust it. I have ...
Doublef profile image

Tapering well so far.

Down to 8 mgs methylpred. No probs so far. Going down to 6 tomorrow. I rea...
Merryfield profile image

Good article on GCA

Very easy to read...
winfong profile image

First biosimilar to tocilizumab approved in Europe

No idea if this also applies in the UK but the start of cheaper GCA medication i...
PMRpro profile image

TCZ information please

Hi everyone! I have now been given the go ahead, for one year, to take TCZ. How...
PuttyPenguin profile image


has anyone used licorice to help adrenals when tapering? I am now on 3 fir 2 day...
Bedwell profile image

Effect of a bad cold?

I was comfortably working my way down via DSNS from 8.5 to 8 when I caught a nas...
papadapadoo profile image

A newbie question about vitamin D3

Before discovering compression fractures due to osteoporosis, I was taking vario...
Indigo2417 profile image

walking may be vascular problem

I thought I would update on my condition. I have managed to taper down to from ...
Pommygranny profile image

update, suspected kidney stones

diagnosed Tuesday by doctor and then consultant as ‘Muscle Spasms’ - treated wit...
Thiago1396 profile image