I have tested positive for Covid.. it has initiated a PMR flare-up. Gp suggested increasing prednisolone for 3 or 4 days to 13mg, I had reduced to 9mg. Then reduce 1mg / day to 9. Anyone else had a flare up related to covid (I have ha d 6 vaccination re covid) 0
Covid infection initiating PMR flareup: I have... - PMRGCAuk
Covid infection initiating PMR flareup

How unwell are you? In bed unwell or just feel rubbish unwell? It may not be PMR - Covid can imitate PMR rather successfully.
As I just suggested on another thread, maybe a few days of Sick Day Rules would deal with both possibilities. But the GP's suggestion would also be a good idea for starters.
Get well soon.
How long ago did it start? My husband and daughter who are both fit and well, are having horrendous shoulder, upper back pain with a bit of jaw joint pain with Covid. It started about day 4 or thereabouts and has reached a peak about day 7.
I was very I’ll with Covid but have not been aware of a flare up I’ve now cut pred to 1 mg on alternate days so fingers crossed, I hope you get it sorted x
COVID has found me, too. Actually, at day 3 or 4 my symptoms are not too bad, I'm relieved to say. But I blame my severe pain in the buttocks (just like PMR pains) and various other aches and pains on COVID. It seems that COVID exagerates pain related to PMR/Pred/Adrenals.
I am between 5.5 and 5 so I know I will have challenges. But it's not nice, is it?
I'm up-to-date with vaccinations except that I was just about to have the current one. Three months' wait now I understand. Grrr.
I saw something the other day that said 4 weeks ...
Thanks, I'll keep my eyes open. At the moment I am coping with my partner now being diagnosed with COVID which has gone to her leg muscles so she has fallen a couple of times. All praise to the ambulance people who confirmed nothing other than COVID.
Except it has neuro effects - I have a friend who had Covid last year and now has quite severe cerebellar ataxia, Not nice at all for a relatively young woman who has just retired and was looking forward to walking and skiing with her husband.
Thanks. I have noticed but didn't wish to clog up this thread. There is something else with my partner - that they found on the ECG but also found that records show she has had it for many years (and we were not told) but fortunately not serious.
Appreciate your help and support👍 and sorry it took a long time to reply - as you can guess life has become hectic but with the help of daughter we are now OK
Sorry, but my case is atypical. I was cut down over two days and got an urgent appointment when scrip Pred confirmed PMR. However, my honesty about symptoms lead to an early detection of bladder cancer for which I am eternally grateful and Pred actually excluded BCG chemo in favour of Mytomicin for half the duration. I like to think that PMR flagged up the bigger threat. Now 'all clear' and stopped Pred too.