Posts - Pernicious Anaemia Society | HealthUnlocked

Pernicious Anaemia Society

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All posts for January 2019

B12 injections

I’ve been doing my own jabs for about 6weeks I’ve done everyday for about 3weeks...
Shellbes profile image

Going backwards

Keep feeling like I’m going backwards at the moment. Started self injecting ever...

How do you store Hydroxocobalamin?

Hi just ordered our first batch of hydro from Mycare. Just wondered how you stor...
Vicky2822 profile image
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Advice needed please

Hi there. I’ve just come across this site and am curious as to what I’ve been re...
jeeves19 profile image

My Active b12 test results

hi all, hope you’re well. as some of you may have been following i’ve been havin...
WilfriedZaha profile image


I'm struggling again. Although on every other day b12 hydroxocobalamin which hav...
Nackapan profile image

B12 339, folate 5.1. 8 weeks after injection.

I have been have B12 every 3 months for a year now (after loading dose in Jan 20...
Sheebee profile image

Time to self inject

Hi all. I am after some advice of which needles to use as I am new to this. I h...
ukb12 profile image

MMA advice please after starting injections

Hi can I have some advice please,I have started alternate day self injections of...
B12jab profile image

Versandapo restocked have now restocked - I have placed an order today -still the cheap...
surv55 profile image

New PA diagnosis, advice please

Hi. I have been a member for a while but not posted before. I’m after some advi...
Berries80 profile image

B12 Injection cant come soon enough

Hi, two days off my jab (every 28 days) and for the last week my symptoms have c...
ukb12 profile image

Hi I'm new here and would really like some advice 🙂

I was diagnosed with B12 deficiency just before Christmas and am actually starti...
Connolly77 profile image

Could it be low vit b12?

Hi everyone i was wondering if i could have some advice. Im a 24 year old female...
Clareb12 profile image

B12 causing yeast infection?

Hello 😊 I’ve recently been diagnosed with pernicious anaemia and been having in...
Sneeky25 profile image

Surgical procedures and b12 deficiency

Can anyone tell me if there are any issues with having a surgical procedure done...
shaylynn profile image

Fatigue after eating.

Anyone know why I become heavily fatigued to the point of falling asleep after e...
Cubies profile image

Rapid Iron Depletion

Hi everyone, I'm wondering what can cause iron to drop quickly after infusions....
esteloca profile image

Vitb12 catching a cold

Hi I take vitb12 TM injection 2ml once a week but have just started to come down...
Zoe99 profile image

Pressure headaches

Hi All Diagnosed as b12 deficient 6 years ago most of the original symptoms have...
Alfabeta profile image


Hi- I am a 26 year old female and I recently found out that I have low b12. My l...
kjl3 profile image

Travelling abroad

I self inject every 3 days as it works for me. It’s not prescribed, I buy it my...
Hidden profile image

Permanent damage from PA?

Hi all yesterday I got a 3rd opinion at a neurologist for neurological issues th...
yogamom1 profile image

Does Cyano spoil?

Happy New Year I hope you all are well! I was wondering if anyone can answer a q...
NJMommy profile image

Some advice on low iron

Hi I just been recently told by my Doctor I'am iron deficient but without Anaemi...
23Elisha profile image

Thoughts on my latest blood results

Just wondering if anyone would be so kind as to cast an eye over my latest resul...

Can vitamin B12 become addictive? Can you become dependent on them?

Do any of you believe or have some evidence that vitamin B12 can become addictiv...
Hidden profile image

And the beat goes on....Misinformation

Thought I would share a tale. Today my colleague who has M.S was chatting to me...
pollianna profile image

Left sided nerve pain

Has anyone experienced what feels like burning nerve pain mine is mainly left si...
Antstarr profile image

Blood shot eye

I'm on every other hydroxocobalamin b12 injections. I'm having some symptoms ic...
Nackapan profile image