B12 injections : I’ve been doing my own... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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B12 injections

Shellbes profile image
17 Replies

I’ve been doing my own jabs for about 6weeks I’ve done everyday for about 3weeks now gone to every other day but still feel rubbish can anyone help as to why this is fed right up with feeling this way just wanna feel like my own happy self again x

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17 Replies
Amandabridge profile image

Hi Shellbes, sounds like u are going through it at the moment, I don’t know a lot about ur condition, but had a look on line, but I do about know depression.

I have spent the last 4yrs, very much studying myself. Really trying to get to my core, but I no I never will, but I have come to see that as a fun place to be. I have literally dragged myself into a happy balance. We can all do it, it’s in every one of us. It takes practice, to grab hold of those negative thoughts that resound around in our heads. Cut them off at the pass so to speak 😂 . U get hold of them thoughts and examine them. How true are they? What facts are there?Look at them from a different angle. We often put thoughts in our own heads that are simply not true. Very complex are we not. We are our own worst enemy sometimes, when we should be our own best friend. AB

Shellbes profile image
Shellbes in reply to Amandabridge

Hi Amanda thanks you for replying yes your right in what you say but I wouldn’t know where to start .... I was a happy go lucky person but been through so much I’ve lost that along the way and founding it hard to find myself again any help you can give us appreciate very much x

Amandabridge profile image
Amandabridge in reply to Shellbes

I myself am a recovering alcoholic,

Even though I had (and still do ) a good family. How much support they have given me has been unsurpassable.

I don’t want or need anything.

I nearly lost my life 4 yrs Ago. Very much a unhappy time. Even though I was never scared, I don’t know y, haven’t delved into that one yet. But I had to take action and change something in my life, so I went to college and studied counselling and psychotherapy. Was hard cause I am dyslexic. However it turned out to be the best thing I could of done for myself, it literally opened up a whole new world. There are things in this life we can’t change i.e death, illness, etc but we can change our attitude and how we deal with them. That we have control over.

U keeping a diary? It helps to write things down, reflecting helps u trace ur thought pattern. Don’t be afraid to argue with urself. We all have a dark side ( it’s natural, has help us to survive for thousands of years ) AB

Amandabridge profile image
Amandabridge in reply to Amandabridge

Also feel free to slap me down, I do tend to get carried away with my way of thinking, I have to keep on reminding myself that not everyone thinks the same as me. If I come across as preachy, it’s not meant.

I am not qualified as I left in my third year, ( mother had a stroke) but I am up for sharing, brain storming.with you anything that will help. AB

Shellbes profile image
Shellbes in reply to Amandabridge

No Amanda it’s ok I could do with someone like yourself in my life I’m to soft and I’m treated awful by my partner I don’t know how to change that and I’ve no support from any family I’ve no friends anymore they all walked away which I don’t blame them I can’t work due to having sudden death syndrome where my heart could stop at anytime I’m meant to have no stress but I’m always stressed I spend my days alone we the girls are at school and he’s at work I clean cook do everything for everyone else yet if I ask for help it’s wrong so please feel free to chat away x

Shellbes profile image
Shellbes in reply to Shellbes

I’m Shelley by the way but I’m called bells .

Amandabridge profile image
Amandabridge in reply to Shellbes

U educated me now, a lot of things I read on here like sudden death syndrome. I didn’t no about that. My wAy of thinking is. If ur heart stops ur pretty much what u call dead anyways. 😂 u got girls. I have four daughters, all older now, I got married At 16, pregnant. Me and hubby have been together ever since. I am sorry u are not in a good place with ur relationship. I really work on being happy in my own skin. I don’t react anymore, I respond. So if anything upsetting is said I don’t fly off the handle, I count from ten bk wards that way I calm the situation down. If he horrible, remove urself go into another room, put ear phones in and listen to some music, AB

Shellbes profile image
Shellbes in reply to Amandabridge

Hi Amanda that’s a very good idea ear phones going to adopt that one . Had my bloods taken yesterday iron b12 liver kidneys ferritin and a few more things so waiting for them to come bk I’m hoping I don’t need more iron infusions hate them not been feeling great been pretty low and wanna sleep a lot . How are you Amanda? X

Amandabridge profile image
Amandabridge in reply to Shellbes

Hi bells sorry ur feeling down,

It hard waiting for any results , ur mind tends to go into over drive of all the worst case scenarios. Before u know it,ur imaging urs self knocking on the old pearly gates.

I am ok, my mum had a stroke 4 yrs ago ( don’t know if I mentioned it )

Me and my 6 brothers and 3 sisters look after her 24/7. Was my (shift ha ha ) last night, the mother only managed to put a cigarette burn in her hospital mattress, ( she smokes like a trooper) so there was I at 2 am trying to fix it with a bike repair kit. It was like a comedy scene,

I got my mother up in the hoist swinging away. Dragged the mattress off, because it’s an air mattress it comes in all Little air pockets. So I am trying to find where it is. Finally fix it Looks up mothers snoring away . Then on top of that the hoist runs out of juice, so I can’t get mother bk over. Had to ring one of the brothers at 3 to give me a hand. So I got no sleep, but my mother is as fresh as a daisy 😂

Shellbes profile image
Shellbes in reply to Amandabridge

Bless I had a right laugh reading that ... poor you though being up alnight I hope you get some sleep .

I had to read that again when you say you have 6 brother 3 sister so there are 10 of you gosh ....

my bloods were back the day after having them taken ... my iron has dropped yet again my b12 hasn’t gone up yet I’m doing my own b12 injections every other day feel really really run down and low my kidneys are over working as well as my liver they have come back very high I’m booked to see the doctor so now hoping I get my iron infusions back x

Amandabridge profile image
Amandabridge in reply to Shellbes

Oh u don’t know the half of it, put the hoist around the wrong way a couple of weeks ago. Had her arse where here head should of been, was to late by the time I realised. She got a ceiling hoist, so had to swing her across quickly. We do have a laugh. There one good thing mum has a great sense of humour ( she Irish).

Yes 10 of us. It has been hard though even though we all live close. Because we have all been thrown bk together as adults. So u get the usual family squabbles, but I’m the best of the lot of them 😂

What does infusion involve then ?

U said u didn’t like them ? Ab

Shellbes profile image
Shellbes in reply to Amandabridge

Infusions are drips they put you on you have to go into hospital for half a day but they can make you fit and all sorts of things I’ve had that before really don’t want that again but if this is the only way then it’s a small piece to pay .... forgive me if this is rude but where do you live I’m from Swindon Wiltshire? X

Amandabridge profile image
Amandabridge in reply to Shellbes

Hi bells,

If I said to u , it would take me 10 mins to walk to Old Town, would that be freaky. As the old saying goes it’s a small world 😂

Amandabridge profile image
Amandabridge in reply to Amandabridge

Hi bells

Hope u feeling ok? I was pondering over us living quite close. I just want to reassure you that anything shared on this forum is totally private. I was in my 3rd year as a counselling and psychotherapy student. Studies got to much with family issues. But I hope to return to it one day. I am bound by BACP ethical framework.

I come across this web site whilst studying. ( and I looked at a few )

This one felt the most genuine to me,

Where people can reach out with their raw feelings and feel safe. To

Share with others who respect and trust each other. Even to the point of my sharing some of my own issues.

I don’t do social media, like I said this is a safe place. Take care Ab

Shellbes profile image
Shellbes in reply to Amandabridge

Hey it’s ok it don’t bother me that you live so close it’s a good thing wanna meet for coffee sometime I’m free most days I’ve a really busy life NOT lol I’m a down to earth person just stressed a lot of the time lol hows your day been ? X

Amandabridge profile image
Amandabridge in reply to Shellbes

Chasing my tail at the moment, trying to get the house up together to sell,

It doesn’t bother me either, but I can appreciate some people might feel uncomfortable, so trying to be sensitive. Yes we can meet up for a coffee. Will make a date maybe for the end of the month. U driving? X

Shellbes profile image
Shellbes in reply to Amandabridge

Whenever your free

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