Hi everyone i was wondering if i could have some advice. Im a 24 year old female, back when i was around 17 i was feeling sick all the time, tired, dizzy etc and after months of running backwards and forwards to the GP they told me my vit b12 was low. They gace me 6 injections in 2 weeks and then i had 1 injection every 3 months to keep my levels topped up. I cant remember when i stopped but stupidly, i allowed myself to get busy with life and just stopped getting the injections because i felt fine despite missing one for a month - so i thought i was okay. I fell pregnant when i was 22 and asked for my vit b12 levels to be checked incase they were low but i was told they came back normal at that time despite not being on any supplements. I had atopped the injections probably 2 years or more before i fell pregnant so im cpnfused as to how my vit b12 was normal then.
I had my daughter in August of 2017 and ever since i have been getting progressively worse with symptoms such as dizziness, my vision is getting worse and worse, i feel sick often, i feel almost like im high although i dont take anything atronger than paracetamol. The last week has been the worst and im am now having frequent headaches and feeling like im struggling to focus/think/remember things. My anxiety has been getting worse and worse, and i have been afraid to go to the doctor because im terrified i have cancer or something which i know sounds stupid but my health anxiety is so bad. Im only now thinking it may be my vit b12 going low again.
Im going to my GP on Wednesday because ive had enough of feeling so bad and scared, but im wondering is it really possible for my b12 to go from low, to fine to low again like that? Any replies woukd be greatly appreciated.
Clare x