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All posts for March 2019


I have PMR and Osteoporosis. If I get 1500 mg of calcium from food daily would I...
Sadie1024 profile image

Trouble Tapering

Hello All, I ahve had PMR for nearly 2 years I am 69. For most of the time, I h...
Louisa1840 profile image

PMR flare or just PMR?

My prednisone taper ended on Dec 31 and I felt fine all throughout treatment and...
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Pill App

Hi everyone, I have used a Pill App on my 'phone for a few days and find the one...
Hidden profile image

Prednisone user need some advices

Hello.I have been on prednisone for about 3 years 10 mg daily for Hepatitis Auto...
Opename profile image

Prednisone and dental surgery?

I have a tooth with a broken root and an extraction is scheduled for April 1. T...

PMR and the shingles vaccination

Diagnosed with PMR in January this year having had symptoms from last October 20...
Hidden profile image

Happy anniversary! NoT !!!!!!

GCA and I have been together for a bit over a year now.. In an effort to co- hab...
Blurry62 profile image

North East PMR/GCA uk meeting on Thursday 28th March

Anyone going? Would love to meet you if you are! Its at St. Aidan’s Church Hall...
Funky-Butt profile image

Dental work or not on Prednisolone.

I had an appointment with a private dentist, as have troublesome tooth and wante...
Rue9 profile image

Powered Bathlift Example

This one reclines - the controls can just hang over the side of the bath. Rechar...
Nuff1 profile image

Sinus and GCA.

I am 71 GCA since October 2018. Started at 60 mg now 25 mg. My sinus are conge...
alvertta profile image

Knee pain.

I would like some advice please. I have been using the DSNS tapering method got ...
Dewdrop456 profile image


As the side effects of steroids are my - and lots of others - big problem in Cop...
GracieSimp profile image

Great Educating Forum. " What's My Question" Though !!!

Nothing new from me other than the usual!! ATB all.
Hidden profile image

Gca symptoms

Apologies if this appears twice. Not so good with technology. I was diagnosed wi...

Why the flare up?

Was feeling fairly good, currently on 10mg Methylprednisolone. I split my dose,...
Ernman54 profile image

Rheumie appt cancelled AGAIN!!

I just cannot believe our health care system. My OH developed PMR & GCA symptoms...
Funky-Butt profile image

Rheumy app

Yesterday I had a long awaited appointment with my rheumy. It’s a year since I l...
Suet3942 profile image

So proud of this group.

I felt so immensely proud of this group when I checked in just now. Yhere was a...
Oxford8 profile image

Post Cataract op

Well I had my worst cataract done yesterday. Today the eye is misty but I can s...
stellafmdm profile image

Sorry, that should have said Mobility!!!!!!

Typo alert to my last post!!!!
Omanain profile image

Vibrating Plate- exercise for those with limited mobility?

A short while ago katie-w53 asked if anyone had any experience of using a vibrat...
Omanain profile image

Actemra - What is the subcutaneous injection duration for GCA - urgent Info request

I have GCA confirmed. I must start on Actemra subcutaneous injection of 162 mg ....
Iwillwin123 profile image

PMR and Osteoporosis

I've been diagnosed with PMR in the summer of 2017, though I suspect I had it a ...
RheaV profile image

Splitting Pred Dose Morning/Night

How many people who happens to see this are splitting their pred dose morning an...
Ozark profile image

Chicken Pox Shingles And Measles

When diagnosed in December my gp gave me a print out about PMR. It explained tha...

Blocked salivary gland

Just to add to our collection of odd ailments, like Geographic Tongue, here is m...
HeronNS profile image

Tongue update No. 2

Much appreciate all posts, am having to got to bed as 9 am Hosp appt meant early...
joat profile image

Anyone here tried the diet called Almased?

I have started the German diet almased. I have tried everything I know of to los...
Linny3 profile image