Posts - Pernicious Anaemia Society | HealthUnlocked

Pernicious Anaemia Society

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All posts for October 2018

Testing Intrinsic Factor and others

Can you test for intrinsic factor while on supplementation? I also have had red...
Shashapoo profile image

B12 and flu jab

Can anyone advise me if I am entitled to a free flu jab given I have prenious an...
Steve687 profile image

Role of B12 and Folate in the Conversion of Homocysteine to Methionine

I thought I would summarise the role of B12 and folate in the conversion of homo...
fbirder profile image
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new here - does any of this sound like PA?

hi there, hoping someone may be able to help. I have underactive thyroid so firs...
lumpymum profile image

Anybody had the same experience?

So I normally give blood because I am blessed with a rare blood group. I cancell...
RJGFiona profile image

Sorry to ask again but I need some advice I think I might have taken too much folate or other vitamin/ mineral

Hello again I really appreciate the support you all provide I’m feeling a litt...

PA and Sport

After a few months of feeling quite ill and struggling, I went to my doctor and ...
wiganer123 profile image

Please help decipher these results. Prior to b12 injection, 3 months ago,my b12 was 93 and my folate 5.8. I still have low b12 symptoms. Jx

Test resultSerum TSH level Report, Normal, No Further Action (Patient Informed)...

Diagnosed with b12 deficiency

Hi everyone I have been diagnosed with b12 deficiency as I have been feeling lik...
Ningy13 profile image

The 2 year store of B12.

Hello All, I have been trying to understand the B12 store as we are always being...
EVMD profile image

More B12????

Could someone please tell me if it's a good idea to have more B12 injections whe...
Frances55 profile image

Pernicious anaemia

Hi all I have pernicious anaemia and always tried love to exercise but found it ...
Shellbes profile image

methylmalonic acid test in diagnosis - help needed please

Hi Everyone, This is my first post so your guidance welomed. Saw GP with increa...

Please help me decipher these results. These are taken 3 months after having the loading dose of b12 injections. Original-b12 93, folate 6

Test resultSerum TSH level Report, Normal, No Further Action Coded entrySerum ...

b12 myelin repair

thanks gambit 62 and foggyme -sorry to have bothered you with many queries . i h...
pinkypop profile image

B12 absorption

Hi All I read this on the NIH website. Is it true that, by eating foods fortifie...

Help with PAS Parliamentary Reception

Hi All, PAS are asking PAS members in UK to contact their MPs to invite them to ...
Sleepybunny profile image

Chest pain

Hi I have recently started taking b12 injections an I’m suffering with heart pal...
Annab124 profile image

Help at my wits end now.

How often can you have B12 injections from GP surgery as I find my 12 weekly one...
Liz061254 profile image

Frequent urination

Just an interesting thing i noticed. Before my infusion and b12 i was urinating ...

what to do

My husband starting feeling ill about 6 months ago with lots of belly pain, cons...
catb12 profile image

B12 injections / heart

Hi I started on b12 injections back in July and since the end of August I starte...
Annab124 profile image

Desiccated liver pills

Hi, have any of you taken desiccated liver pills to help with Vitamin B 12 defic...
Hambledonia profile image

B12 injections - How long before you have relief?

Hi just wondering when people started to feel better after taking b12? I’m curre...
AshlingMC profile image

b 12 stopped working after the sixth shot

i have migraines and my neuro suggested b 12 . My levels were low at 180 pg /ml ...
pinkypop profile image

Made a decision to have further tests done

Hi all. Following a horrible week of symptoms I've finally decided to take charg...
pj16 profile image

Fed up of being exhausted

I’m new on here and hope that I m not alone in the way I am feeling. I am now on...
AngelSarah1980 profile image

8 years of anemia despite PA diagnosis and consistent treatment

This will be quite long as my history with anemia has been ongoing and frustrati...
Bandit224 profile image

Need help on b12

Hi guys, Diagonised low b12 levels of 150. I’m on injections now. I was just w...
Shannonf247 profile image

Newly diagnosed, but long time sufferer

Dear all ... I hope you can all help to shed some light on the following. I rece...
ITM69 profile image