My husband starting feeling ill about 6 months ago with lots of belly pain, constipation, tiredness, confusion and irritability. After lots of tests and some "diagnosis" about 2 weeks ago they ran another blood test and his B12 was 64. Until now I had no idea what a low B12 could do to a person. My first thought was good, let's get him some shots and all is better. As all of you know that is not the case. He started with daily shots for 6 days then to 2 shots per week for 2 weeks and now they are going to once per month. The belly issues are still present. They have gotten a little better but still have a long way to go. The confusion, irritability, some blurred vision, short temperedness, crying, etc. is still bad. He can not work and we don't go out in public too much because he doesn't want to get stressed, which happens easily, or start crying in front of people. I feel helpless because I don't know how to help, other than researching, reading and having patience. We are only 7 weeks into this, but when I found this page I was delighted. We kept thinking something else was wrong but after reading all your posts I see now that his symptoms coincide with low b12. I wonder if Doctors know this? Our Doctor never indicated that the Neurological issues could be related to the low b12. They have not taken another blood test to see where his b12 is now. Should I request that? They also indicated that he has low testo and he now gets shots for that. Any help anyone can offer could be a big help to us. God Bless
what to do: My husband starting feeling... - Pernicious Anaemi...
what to do

If he’s had a severe deficiency for a long time then it will,probably take a while to recover. Those mental symptoms, depression, anxiety, paranoia short temper were some of the ons that took the longest to fade for me. So just try to hang in there.
Once you’ve started injections there’s no point in doing further blood tests.
Has he had his folate level tested? That often coincides with a B12 deficiency and can give similar symptoms.
Hi I have started taking b12 injections an I have been suffering with chest pain, shortness of breath and some confusion an light headed ness! I don’t know if it’s related to b12 as I went to my gp who thinks it’s due to anxiety but I’ve read b12 injections do have side effects ! I’d defo to an get a test to see where is levels are now! Hope he gets better soon
Annab124- serum B12/active B12 are useful for identifying a B12 absorption problem leading to a B12 deficiency but pretty useless as a way of monitoring adequacy of B12 levels post loading shots - symptoms are a much more effective way of doing this - though as Fbirder says it can take quite a long time before symptoms actually start to disappear.
Folate 5mg he should be on for four months. There is gene mutations, we have mthfr when folic acid is not good. You need to do some research on it, but 6S-5MTHF folate is the best. If nhs doesn’t provide you can find on amazon. Remember it has to be 6s. All the bcomplex vitamins are needed to support b12, good levels of iron, vitamin a, c, e, d3, copper and zinc (look up copper zinc ratio) , beet juice is very very good, can order in bulk off of Amazon again, plenty of protein and carbs. Even fresh chopped and crushed garlic uncooked washed down with some unacidic juice. It’s a long recovery but you got to make sure you’re not focusing solely on b12. Although very important on its own, there is a massive supporting cast that also needs to optimal, not just within range
And thyroid has to be good... if it’s a problem, can cause the crying spells
Hi catb12. I'm so sorry your husband and you are going thru this. It makes me so angry and frustrated how some docs handle b12 issues. I agree with others that it doesn't do any good to test b12 after treatment starts. You'll just get a false reading. I think at this point I'd want to know what's causing the low b12. It could be it's a temporary situation due to diet or h-pilori because of the stomach issues. I would have them test IF(instrinic factor) even tho it's known for its false negatives, if it's positive, it's a sure fire way to know if it's autoimmune PA. In that case, he'll need b12 jabs for life and way more often than once a month. I got lucky that I had specialists that made my primary order any amount of jabs I needed per week. I now do every 3 days. Also, i would ask to be referred to a neurologist. I wish I could yell out to the medical community to stop treating PA and low b12 like a hang nail or something. Best of luck and plz get adamant about his Neuro symptoms, further testing and more frequent jabs
Hi Catb 12
I shouldn’t ask for another Blood test yet b12 shots can take time to work believe me I’m years in and I feel for you and your husband I’m no different with the crying don’t know what to do with myself your husband is lucky he has you my partner isn’t very understanding and couldn’t careless.
I’d give it alittle longer before having the blood test done again give it time ... always here if you need to talk I too can’t work due to P.A. and other health issues and to be honest it would probably help me to .
Shelley x