Posts - Scleroderma & Raynaud's UK (SRUK) | HealthUnlocked

Scleroderma & Raynaud's UK (SRUK)

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All posts for March 2021

Of those of you who have tried vitamin C to treat Raynaud's, have you found it to work? If so, what dose did you take?

Vitamin C, Raynaud's, effective?
OngPatient profile image

Flare up after covid jab?

Anyone experiencing flare of symptoms after jab? I had mine on 9th feb n altho ...
momo17 profile image

Schleroderma and Raynauds

I have noticed as the winters are feeling colder that my Raynauds and Ostioarthr...
coser profile image
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Nifedipine alternatives

I've been taking Nifedipine for 20 or more years and my current prescription is...
mikejdrake profile image

Waving Goodbye to Hand Hobbies 👋

Hi Everyone! I'm back with another topic and more questions! My post today is ...
Vicrum88 profile image

Any one experienced scleredema (not scleroderma)?

Hi. Just had a call from dermatology saying that my recent skin biopsy suggested...
Cactus7 profile image

PIP Telephone assessment

Hi, I have a PIP telephone Assessment tomorrow. I have read through my form - m...
naila_007 profile image

Could this be scleroderma? What should I ask from my GP?

Hello everyone, I’ve had a strange thing going on with my right hand since befor...
LollyAlves profile image

Raynaud’s disease

I have lupus and been diagnosed with Raynaud’s disease. My feet are always cold ...
djsema profile image

Body temperature

Any idea I've recently had iloprost infusion about 2weeks ago, but my body tempe...

Because Y is a crooked letter that cannot be straightened....

Happy Fri-yay to all my fellow Warriors!! Today I want to tackle the subject of...
Vicrum88 profile image

Hi everyone,

I've recently been diagnosed with mctd and raynauds. The last few days my hands ...
Ygould profile image

Covid Vaccine Experience! Sometimes you've just got to put your big girl pants on and be brave xx

Hi everyone! I've noticed recently that there are a lot of posts on here asking...
Vicrum88 profile image

Mouth Dryness

I have Schleroderma and I experience extreme dryness in my mouth daily and at ni...
coser profile image

Toe locking, cramps and Raynaud's

Hi I'm not sure if anyone can help me but i'm going to try. I have been an amput...
Julie98 profile image

Magnesium to help Raynaud's and Scleroderma

Has anyone tried increasing their magnesium intake to help their body to heal? T...

Any recommendations for foot treatment?

I experience extreme flare ups of my Raynaud's in the form of foot pain, numbne...
Hadley12 profile image

Throbbing Pain From Raynaud’s

I have Raynaud’s. I’m on nifedipine and Sildenafil for circulation. Sometimes I...
Dermatray15 profile image

Digestive Issues

Hi, Can you help please? I’m struggling so much with my digestion right now. I’m...
AMDP profile image

Weight Gain as opposed to weight loss

I have limited systemic scleroderma and take the following medications: Predniso...
UCTD profile image

How much you get out?

How much would you normally go out and how much you got out in the last 12 month...
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