Hello everyone, I’ve had a strange thing going on with my right hand since before Christmas. Initially my fingers were very swollen and painful to bend. Some ‘sores’ then appeared at the joints and tips, and I sent a photo to my GP surgery (no face to face appointments just now) who diagnosed chilblains - which seemed odd as I hadn’t been out in the cold, and I’ve never had anything like this before. I got some blood tests were normal except my thyroid which was borderline, so the GP is happy nothing’s wrong. But my fingers are still swollen and painful. I’ve been taking care of my hands, wearing gloves, using hand cream etc
I’ve attached a photo from today. They’re not too sore or swollen at the moment (it flairs up and down).
When I googled, the closest images I could find were ‘scleroderma hands’ with the redness around the nails, sores and discolouration, which is why I’m asking you good people. Should I just be patient and wait to see what happens - if it gets worse or goes away, or should I go back to the GP and ask for different blood tests?
I have had an incredibly stressful time recently so feel it’s probably connected.
Thank you so much for your help.