How do you pronounce Raynaud's? Liste... - Scleroderma & Ray...
How do you pronounce Raynaud's? Listen to English Cambridge Dictionary: Vote now. If other then reply below.
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It all started with RSD (complex regional pain).. The doctor put me on Prozac, first 10 mg on up to 60 mg.. I had gotten the Raynauds in my legs and the RSD in my right hand. Prozac really helps put the disease into remission. I had gotten hurt in the line of duty, hand crushed.. Then recently a gravel truck creamed me in my little Ford Mustang, so now my back is all messed up.. I was put back on Prozac, Soma for my muscle spasms, Ambien to help me sleep and oxycodone and neurontin for pain.. But, due to people abusing drugs and how the doctors aren't allowed to help people with medication like they used to.. I am up a creek without a paddle. I do get the oxycodone, but that's it.. I really, really need Prozac as I believe it is the cure for RSD, Raynauds and Sclerderma.. It really helped me alot.

Votes so far on SRUK:
It's supposed to be rayNOSE?? Really?? I did not know that!! I've always gone with rayNAUDS ... well, you learn something every day!
With a French accent in honour of the French doctor who observed the phenomenon.
I used to say Raynaurds but saw somewhere that it should be Raynodes and have stuck with that ever since. Occasionally when I say it, people say it differently back to me as if they are correcting me! I don't correct them Lol
I always thought it was Raynards
Thought it was Raynards
I say raynards
Rheumy told me it was raynose
Silent d and the “au” is “o” sound if you follow French pronunciation.
My GP pronounces it Ray-nose, and my Rhumey team pronounce it Ray-naurds.😁
I believe the doctor after whom the disease is names was French, hence the pronunciation.
Raynaud syndrome, also known as Raynaud's phenomenon, eponymously named after the physician, Auguste Gabriel Maurice Raynaud, who first described it in his doctoral thesis in 1862, is a medical condition in which the spasm of small arteries causes episodes of reduced blood …
I was very adamantly corrected of this proper pronunciation by my doctor.
It's Raynose, as said rheumatologist
Oh! I realise this poll is five years old but that's interesting. I hadn't realised, but it makes sense now it's been pointed out.