Posts - Pernicious Anaemia Society | HealthUnlocked

Pernicious Anaemia Society

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All posts for February 2022

Bloods are normal

Hi im confused by my bloods as i havent had my b12 jab in nearly two years due t...
Medium73 profile image

Blood results

Hi all, Thanks to everyone who commented on my recent question about b12. I do h...
dinkyoodle profile image

Hoffman's Test

Hiya! I was just wondering if a B12 deficiency can result in a positive Hoffman'...
hani0902 profile image
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Subcutaneous vs IM injections

Do subcutaneous injections work rather than IM ones?
Tch77 profile image

B12 Depot Hevert Ampoules

Due to inexperience and general ignorance, I have ordered 2ml ampoules instead o...
Bassettbabe profile image


I have long since suspected that some antibiotics can deplete B12 levels. Has a...
Boo222 profile image

Myasthenia gravis symptoms overlap pa

How do we know PA muscle related symptoms are not like Myasthenia gravis symptom...
Hamayeshguy profile image

Thirst after injections

hello! Does anyone experience increased thirst with their injections? This has ...
lambuth_eagle profile image

More tests before I start supplementing?

Hello I've dipped in and out of the thyroid community but have a question regar...
dinkyoodle profile image

Urgent help for severe numbness in deltoid, trapozoidium muscles and triceps and arm and hand muscles

I can't sleep even ten minutes due to severe numbness in deltoid, trapozoidium a...
Hamayeshguy profile image

Update 3 cont.

Have to laugh otherwise I'd cry at the incompetence of the nurse meddling with m...
Nackapan profile image

Taking control of PA in Australia

More of a statement here. In Australia we don't have "loading doses" the words d...
Vk7GOD profile image

Update no.3

It's been 3 weeks now since b12 injection was refused at my surgery. After waiti...
Nackapan profile image

Effect of stress on symptoms

Hi everyone.🙂 In the last 2 years I noticed that my symptoms (which I believe w...
Dea11 profile image

What’s the economic sense?

I am not writing this as a moan I promise. I genuinely don’t understand and woul...

Extreme muscle weakness for how long it takes to get recovered?

I feel my muscle endurance for each position is time based now. I don't know why...
Hamayeshguy profile image


Good morning 🌞..I was prescribed it..I couldn't handle the side effects..I alre...
Justsick profile image

Anemia -- of some form??

B12 Levels very high -- Self Inflicted Supplements -- 1269 Red Blood Cells - Low...
DW0172 profile image

I got my results I have a 1 on 0-1.1 scale for intrinsic factor. Over 1.1 is a positive result. Since 1 is borderline and the test is 50% fa

I got my results I have a 1 on 0-1.1 scale for intrinsic factor. Over 1.1 is a p...
Ecf123 profile image

How soon to have B12 injections?

Hello, I have just been told I likely have pernicious anaemia and need to have ...
sandiuy profile image

Duloxetine Query

Has anyone else been prescribed Duloxetine for peripheral neuropathy and does it...
Bassettbabe profile image

B12 test timing

Hi, Does it matter what time of day you have tests for b12/mma/iFab? Thanks

Blood in my pee

Should I have a lot of bright Red blood in my pee ?
Racky1 profile image

Advice B12

After a fruitless talk to the Nurse who was giving my injection hinting at a nee...
Pinkpeony profile image

B12 deficiency, advice on symptoms and what should I be asking my doctors to test for? Suspected PA?

Hi all, just looking for a little advice. December 2020 I had what I can only ca...
AndyB1990 profile image

Vitamin B12 liquid drops/sprays

I get injections every 3 months. Still constantly tired throughout. Has anoyone ...
Whin91 profile image