Posts - Pernicious Anaemia Society | HealthUnlocked

Pernicious Anaemia Society

32,227 members23,397 posts

All posts for May 2016


I fly to America in two weeks to get married I just hope this damn illness is un...

Living with PA

Today i woke up stiff i couldn't walk fully. I tried to stretch and my muscles s...

Eh? I might not have Hashis??

I've read this a few times but still don't really get it. Is it really possible ...
infomaniac profile image
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Off to see a neurologist…

Hi. My GP has referred me to the neurologist. I think to reassure herself that m...
sirlam profile image


Just updating to let you know that I finally got a hold of my original GP (she w...
KCxo profile image

New to injections..what to expect?

Hello, I've just had my 5th injection in 5 days (I also had 3 weekly injections ...

Anyone taking Betaine for stomach problems?

Morning all, I've just heard about Betaine, does anyone know if it is worth taki...
shipscat profile image

My story PA

When i was young 3-5 i had ear infections constantly. So i was put onto antibiot...

Hip knot/dent above knee

This could or could not be related but I do need advice or opinions! I've develo...

IM injection

Is it normal to have some bleeding after IM injection? Sometimes this happens no...

An Interesting article for the weekend
Polaris profile image

Caring doctor, just doesn't understand PA.

Just when I feel that my doctor has read up on pernicious anaemia, due to allowi...
Forest1000 profile image

World's longest living woman

Listening to the 'Today' programme on radio four this morning, I was struck by a...
Polaris profile image

Chest pain/shoulder pain

Hello all! I was wondering if its common to have chest pain (stiff soreness) and...

Doctor says normal?

Hello, would appreciate some advice from people with experience of these things....

Blood Test Results

Blood test end of April gave some results that I would appreciate some advice on...
onyx33 profile image

Private blood test & gp visit & response

1 injection of Hydroxocolamin 1mg one every 2 weeks for 4 then 1 every 3 months....
scorpiojo profile image

Doctors today

Good Morning everyone, it's very hazy today. I'm off to see the docs today and h...
Bentleyboo profile image


Hey guys further to my earlier post I have attached my FBC these were done once ...
Pixielula profile image

Thank you to kind gentleman who phoned

Good Afternoon everyone, Sun is shining so out I go in my garden and watch my do...
Bentleyboo profile image

Petition for new test for PA

Hi All, In my random readings about B12 this morning I came across another refer...
fbirder profile image


Please can someone tell where I can buy B12 ampules. 
Buzylizzy62 profile image

Public or Private Postings? A quick question from a Newbie. I think I Lost It!

Hello all.  If any of you have read yesterday's post from @TAB 100 you will have...
Foggyme profile image

Methylcobalamin injection

Hi all, I'm looking for some advice really. I was diagnosed with pernicious anae...
Murfie276 profile image

B12...and supporting vitamins/minerals

Hello, I'm on day 3 of self-injecting 1mg hydroxocobalamin (finally!). I've read...

Blood tests for B12 giving misleading results

Can anyone point me to the research which shows that serum levels of B12 may not...
chris2008 profile image

B12 too high..

I've got MS and have been feeling poorly for about a month with MS symptoms. I w...
TAB100 profile image

just back from gp..........

I went armed with literature - she said no one ever gets a b12 injection under 4...
jillc39 profile image

Endoscopy done :-(

Well guys had the endoscopy, I've got a sinking heart as I type this, every one...
Pixielula profile image

I'm new to this.

It's back again. Hello I'm new too this. I was diagnosed about 2mos ago with b12...
Bjonson profile image