Posts - Pernicious Anaemia Society | HealthUnlocked

Pernicious Anaemia Society

32,226 members23,393 posts

All posts for February 2017

Update on bloods after visit to Doctors

Hi, would just like to give you all an update regarding my blood results, Made a...
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Recommend a UK haematologist?

Hi there, hope you're all still doing ok! I'm looking into possible issues with ...

Low ferritin, vitamin d deficiency and 'grey area' B12

I've just had the results of Friday's blood tests back (the IFA test is not back...
rebs48 profile image
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Anyone else been told their heart is slow?

Had my pre-op for rotator cuff injury and given an ECG. Told I am fine except f...
Cherylclaire profile image
Forum Support

B12 injections

Is anyone a member/ obtain B12 ampules from/or know anything about Dr Joseph Cha...
LynneG profile image

B12 Def treatment but not better could it be my thyroid or am I looking for things that aren't there?

So I've been counting down the days to my first 3 monthly b12 jab after loading ...
Clare184 profile image

B12 deficiency and MCV values?

Hi, I have been self medicating for a B12 deficiency for around 10 months (was 2...
seamail57 profile image

Pernicious anaemia

Hiya I'm on folic acid daily for folate deficient anaemia, along with loads of o...
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so angry

I spoke to a gp from my practice today, regarding my bh results done 9th jan 17,...
Lucieb01 profile image

When academics have fun with EBM...

jimh111 posted the link to this paper on the TUK forum. It's quite an old one, b...
Hillwoman profile image

Blood results advice please

I have had an underactive thyroid for 10 years + and am currently on 100mg of le...
Yvostick profile image

Nitrous oxide and nitrox

Hello, lovely people, I wonder if you can help where Google has failed? I under...
spacey1 profile image

Well that was a result!!

My b12 result a few weeks ago was 127 I went to the gp today and he told me I ne...
rachel35a profile image


Hi, me again, been a while since I had a bit of a rant on here. Does anyone else...
Moosey profile image

Does it matter if you don't alternate sites.

Hi lovely people. Does it matter if I do not alternate arms when I inject my dis...
Marymary7 profile image

Please advise

I have posted before . I had feet and hands dumbness p, pins and needles for mon...
Gcart profile image

Suffering from PA for long

I am suffering from PA for some years now. It got undetected(rather not diagnose...
mahesh104 profile image

Triobe - any experiences?

Hi, Just tried to renew my prescription for my B12 injections, and my doctor has...
jamesstott profile image

My B12 levels have decreased significantly, but why?

Hello everyone. I'm a 19 year old male. Not too long ago my blood test showed RF...
WK1010 profile image

Why is B12 not rising???

A quick question...anyone have any thoughts. My autistic daughter has pernicious...
Lorstor profile image

Blood results any help would be appreciated

Hi been very unwell for the last 12 months on lots of medication for pain relief...
Hidden profile image

Has anyone with confirmed P.A. seen an Endocrinologist ? and was it any use ?

Hi all, just a quick request, my G.P. is arranging an appointment to see an Endo...
Barry1955 profile image

Any link with b12 and high tryptase results

Recently went to hospital for allergy testing as doctor thought my swollen face ...
Robson957 profile image - last newsletter

Well, was filing old emails this morning and noticed that the last email from B1...
Gambit62 profile image

Eye pain

Just curious - I am wary of the fact we can attribute so much to low b12, howeve...
Ree2705 profile image

Suggestions for doctors appointment on Monday...

Hi Feels a bit odd posting this as I’m now an admin here but here goes anyway! S...
taka profile image

Swollen neck problem

Last week I told you I had v swollen and sore neck, you advised to see a health...
Poorlysic profile image

Blood results

Just wondering if anyone can help me? Had these done just before Christmas. Ser...
greenbexy profile image


Hello, I have had my first B12 jab, my GP just said my levels were low, he did n...
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B12 Patches and B12 Sprays

I have PA, I have just ordered patches and sprays to use aswell as 8 weekly inje...