Hello, lovely people, I wonder if you can help where Google has failed? I understand that those of us with a B12 deficiency are well advised to steer clear of nitrous oxide, and I think that's because the nitrous oxide renders the B12 inactive. I've recently taken up scuba diving (feeling better with all the B12 :)) and one of the diving gases, nitrox, is a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen, and I was wondering if that would be damaging to my B12 levels.
I think I've answered my own question in that nitrous oxide has two parts of nitrogen to one of oxygen, and nitrox has one part of nitrogen and two of oxygen. So I'm assuming it's the nitrogen which has the effect on the B12. Please can someone explain if I've got that right, and if not, whether nitrox could affect me if I used it. Nice simple explanations, please - the brain fog is still with me