Posts - Pernicious Anaemia Society | HealthUnlocked

Pernicious Anaemia Society

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All posts for October 2014

Young PA sufferer, advice needed please

Hi, I would just like advice on whether I have told my daughter the right thing....
Jcwg profile image

What tests to get done

My son who is 23 returned for a few days from university as feeling depressed an...
Sukiwarrior profile image

ME gets reclassified.

Just been reading that the illness ME/CFS has been reclassified as a neurologica...
Poppet11 profile image
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Am I suffering from lack of Vitamin B12?

Hello everyone. I have joined as I have a number of symptoms which show as possi...
HealthPort profile image

B12 recovery question

I have been b12 deficient for at 7 years as well with 2 mthfr mutations. The fir...
cdele6b12 profile image

Vertical nail ridges

Hello, I was reading Martyn Hooper 's story on the PA society site and remembere...
Sian5 profile image

Pernicious Anaemia Awareness Week

Starts today....20 - 25 October 2014 Join us in London for a Coffee Morning this...

Hosp letter

Just received my letter from the write up of my 2nd visit to haematology which w...
Leanneta profile image

Recovery stagnating. What now?

Hello all. I'm a 30 year old male living in the US. Five months ago, I zeroed in...
snakely profile image

Is there a link between dry eyes and b12 deficiency? If not, has anyone else had any atypical symptoms related to low b12?

After a year of having low b12 I have finally been given permission to get b12 i...
Ctb567 profile image

So fed up with feeling like this...

I have had hashi underactive thyroid for 17 years and following tests in July I ...
BlueMundo profile image

New to forum help needed

Hi Guys I am very new to the site and would really appreciate some help and ad...
Sukiwarrior profile image

Loading doses

I'm looking for some info on 'loading doses'. I am type 1 diabetic since 1982 an...
Weewull profile image


HI, I been on prednisolone for months , reduce the dose gradually to nil 3 weeks...
Jane123 profile image

B12 and intestinal parasites

Tried to search this site for any info on a possible connection between B12 defi...

Joint pain with pa

I have been diagnosed with pa several months ago and have been receiving b12 inj...
nateoliver profile image

B12 and cancer

After getting B12 blood test, my doctor who wanted to reduce the frequency of in...
Erainy profile image

Hot hands & feet after months of cold?

Hello, I do not have a diagnosis of PA, but of primary progressive MS, however I...
Sian5 profile image

Bit of a Moan (Sorry)

Hi all i'm new around here and fancied a bit of a moan so if you do have the tim...
dan91 profile image

Worrying response from haematologist?

I keep browsing the CPD/CME comments section of the BMJ article and came up with...
Poppet11 profile image

Folate and B12 levels

Last year my B12 was 226, but with treatment [ sublinguals ] it went up to 200...
bowler profile image

Help !!

I've had PA gor three years now after going to the doctors with extreme tirednes...
tiredkellie profile image

Methylcobalamin and increased nerve pain

Hi, just wondered if any one else has noticed increased nerve pain when starting...
Jcwg profile image

Loading dose.......?

Hi all, I will probably be zonked out before anyone has a chance to comment on m...
jsteg65 profile image

Another blood test tomorrow

Not really sure why they are testing - it's a week since my last B12 injection (...
KTMac profile image

Tom Brown on Physicians - C1700

The physicians and apothacaries vied for business in the 1700s. Physicians actua...
Poppet11 profile image

Advice Please

Had my loading dose in July and over the last couple of weeks a lot of my sympto...
wadeyJ profile image

Acknowledged as ill, or not?

I know that we come from all angles into this illness, but it occured to me that...
Poppet11 profile image

Anxiety after starting B12

Hi Everyone, this week I started to have extreme anxiety. So far my treatment h...
ilfc profile image

Could anyone do sit-ups before but not now?

This is something that has always really, really bugged me. Prior to being ill ...
Poppet11 profile image