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Ataxia UK

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All posts for December 2018

Why I asked about uk physio sessions

Thank you everyone who replied to my recent post. Some really helpful replies. ...


What do my fellow Ataxians think of it?all appreciated.
benning profile image


Does anyone use oxygen treatment
foffee11 profile image
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Has anyone used oxygen to help
foffee11 profile image

Tai Chi - Chinese martial art/exercise

My partner, who was diagnosed 3 months ago, has been recommended to take Tai Chi...
AtaxiaCarer profile image

Problems with sleeping comfortably

This post is aimed at anyone with more advanced ataxia. After 21 years of Friedr...

Physio sessions

Hi all, I'm interested in how many people have regular physio sessions in the UK...

Donate Now to Ataxia UK via The Big Give

We've been having a fundraising drive over the last week. We're on £49,276 You ...
SueMillman profile image

Cerebellum atrophy

My life z such a mess I can't seem to do anything right #sofustrating #sad😟
Chunguz profile image

Weight gain

Ive found over the past few month that i seem to be gaining weight as i am no lo...
Hidden profile image


Hi all. Hope you are all ok. Just a quick note to remind you the Big Give for 20...


has anyone been prescibed or had 'ACETAZOĹAMIDE'
claire01 profile image


Do those of you that have had neuro Physio feel that it has helped? If so how ha...
Grapes12 profile image


I feel my decease is progressing faster than I'd hoped. I could walk unaided and...
Jacqui-A profile image