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Weight Loss Support

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All posts for March 2017

12 Week Plan - Daily Accountability

Good morning everyone Day 2 - checking in for 24 h of healthy choices. Yesterda...
Elke516 profile image

Starting weight

My starting weight at the beginning of the weight loss plan 4 days ago was 11 st...
Beatingthis profile image

weigh in

Hi everyone i am on day four of the NHS weight loss plan need some advice how to...
Beatingthis profile image
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Good morning

Hi everyone. Just thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Sarah I'm 37 and desperately...
Hidden profile image

How is daily K/Cal figures calculated

What is the correct K/Cal figure. Advice given on NHS site suggests 1700 - 22...
Hidden profile image

I'm late to log my Trimming on Tuesday!

Sorry to have missed yesterday's Tuesday Trimmers. After a fabulous weekend cele...
Josie101170 profile image


I've been trying to lose weight but it ain't decreasing. what next for me? I was...
kasukuh profile image

Feeling much better

Hi my name is jackie this is my 4th day on the NHS losing weight plan already i ...
Beatingthis profile image


Hi any chance to join weight lose program under the NHS?
1gabriela profile image

Day 2 over and successful!

Thank you everybody for your ideas and useful tips. Reading through them all has...
ollio profile image

I'm new here

I've just joined and would like some tips on where to find good strength exercis...

Start at week 1 and go from there

So joining this website I decided to skip the 12 weeks and go straight into couc...

Resistance bands

Wondering what people think of them. They are fairly cheap and portable, and I h...
MotherPip profile image


Alreet all! So after doing so well and being very positive with my anxiety / e...
AnnieMary profile image

New in here and losing fat

Hi all, I'm in my mid 30s, I'm short girl (woman?) with only 5 feet (153cm), not...
IgaT profile image

Reducing carbohydrates

I've noticed that I get heartburn very late at night, even though I don't suffer...

Wii U for exersize

Hello, I was just wondering has anyone used the wii u to help you lose weight? T...
Daffodil17 profile image

DEXA Scan (Visceral Fat) - BRILLIANT

Hubbie and I went for our DEXA scan today with BodyScan UK. It was a really int...
Pineapple27 profile image


Should have said THINKING of snacks incase I have confused anyone. I am not actu...
ollio profile image

Day 2 results. Foodwise......

Walked 8587 steps . 4.41 miles. Have ate healthy all day. Right now sitting of s...
ollio profile image

When it looks dark

It's gone really dark and heavy rain ☔️ in Leicestershire. It can make you feel ...
danny1990 profile image

Weight gain since menopause

Hi just a quick note to say started menopause ten years early, so they weight j...
tess7932 profile image

New today

Hi I have just this minute joined. I am 59 and was diagnosed with celiac diseas...
dragonrose profile image
1 stone


I am really struggling to keep on top of how much water I am drinking . I often ...

Hello I'm new......

Hi, just joined today. Have been attending well known diet clubs with limited su...
Lizi21 profile image

Feeling low

I'm finding things hard this week not been to well waiting on test results for j...

Where to start

Hello, I'm new. My bmi is 28 and had my blood taken yesterday, I will go back my...
Daffodil17 profile image

Lowering BMI

I am a 24 old lad looking loaing two stone and lower my BMi to join the army any...
Murr1992 profile image

I am new please help!

I am a 17st, 69 year old lady who needs to loose weight. I am borderline coelia...
junepike profile image

New Start: Here we go!

I am a 49 y.o. man who was once fit and healthy. After a decade of no exercise ...
50up profile image