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CLL Support

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All posts for October 2017

Rituximab for skin condition -- plus caretaker needs mental health check

My husband has been told he may need to start rituximab to combat the immune-rel...

Cll I just got diagnosed with cll my white blood count is 20,000

I have been diagnosed with cll my white blood cell count is 20,000 no other symp...
Pinafi profile image

CT Scan, is it necessary in the beginning?

Hi CLL friends, I have a question about CAT Scan. I just diagnosed with CLL, ini...
Zheny profile image
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Skin allergies

Why do I suddenly have a skin allergic reaction but goes away shortly and reappe...
Hidden profile image

IGVH Mutation Status

I'm posting in response to the discussion a couple of days ago about mutation st...

Statins any effect on CLL

Hi all my GP wants to put me on statins I tried years ago but could not take the...
therev55 profile image


Well as it turned out, JERRY had about 3 lung drains. Very short breath as if dr...
deb1610 profile image

Consult with “world expert” and insurance

Hello Everyone, My husband was recently diagnosed CLL probably stage 0- no sympt...
Kwilson profile image


I am 70 ys old and have Medicare A&B, an AARP Medicare Supplement and a Humana P...
pwebster profile image

FCR after failing B/R?

I am 5 months post treatment with B/R and my ALC is moving up. My oncologist men...
SueVG profile image

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Is there a site like this for people diagnosed with ALL? A friend of a friend i...
Farrpottery profile image


I've had CLL for 3 yrs. with a W/W for now. I also have reflux and been taking P...
Winsey profile image

Update after 1.5 years

I went for a follow up with my oncologist after 1.5 years. Still no swelling in...
CCLandwell profile image

Five claims about coconut oil debunked

By the well respected Rosemary Stanton, Nutritionist & Visiting Fellow, UNSW: 'S...
AussieNeil profile image

Blood Tests - accuracy and precision; why trends are important

With more queries recently about blood test results, I though it appropriate to ...
AussieNeil profile image

Does any science/research point to our body having a back up immune reaction, when our white blood cells stop doing their Jobs?

I ask this question because I just had a CBC and a few other tests and did very ...
jettyguy1 profile image

Elevated Lymphocyte Count 4 Months After Bendamustine/Rituxin

Hello Members: In mid-June I finished 6 months of Bendamustine/Rituxin. I saw m...
SueVG profile image

Just finished FIRST round FCR - what will happen next?

I just finished three days of FCR infusion. They waited for the third day to in...
Marie-54 profile image

Gamma globulins or monoclonal antibodies

My husband's CLL numbers are still quite low (he was diagnosed this past July, u...

Lymph #

Yes my husband had a Leydig cell Carcinoma tumor removed from testicular area a ...
Hidden profile image

Failed Cll 13 trial test.

I failed to get on the clinical trial because of impaired kidney function. Creat...
Abc123qaz profile image

uti, cough, fever and other virus related symptoms

I was diagnosed Stage 4 SLL in December 2014 and started FCR the following March...
springie profile image

Moyeam Tea

I heard about this tea today. Anyone ever try it? Vine tea-moyeam tea Moyeam,...
R16728 profile image

Raising levels of LDH in CLL

Hi, long time since last post. My mother seems to be doing well on Ibrutinib. Sh...
nicolas_12 profile image

Taking Multivitamins

Hi everyone This may be a silly question but should CLLers take multivitamins? ...
Tretops-UK profile image

Neutrophils 3x high

Went to cancer Dr on the 23rd..Havnt been feeling well. Wbc 48000 and neutrophil...
truff4507 profile image

A faint ill-defined band of IgG, type Lambda, isdetected.

Hello You all I have been a member in this community on behalf of my Mom who has...
lashkari110 profile image

My oncologist is retiring (told today)

I had a visit with my CLL doctor today, and was told he was retiring. I live in ...
wendyc40 profile image

What's the law in canada

What is the law here in Canada ??? For severely neutropenia at hospital
Hidden profile image

Typhoid fever and natural remedies

What can you do to eradicate typhoid from your system after all medical attempts...
Dintar profile image