Polls - CLL Support | HealthUnlocked

CLL Support

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Part 2 of How well do you know HealthUnlocked's features? Rate yourself on this multichoice poll. Answers later or you can check Help!

How well do you know HealthUnlocked's features? Rate yourself on this multichoice poll. Answers will be posted later or you can check Help.

Has your diagnosis impacted your relationship with your partner in any of the following ways? Please tick all that apply, adding comments*

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To understand our member demographics, select your role. Has CLL forced changes and impacted negatively? Please expand on your experiences.

Can you share your barriers to posting on the site? (This poll is primarily for members who rarely or never post/reply.)

Have you experienced shingles activation/s? Tick all which may apply and feel free to add your experiences within replies below answers

What devices do you use or plan to use in the next year to access the Internet? Your input will help us with the CLLSA website redesign.

How were you diagnosed with SLL/CLL? You are welcome to reply to expand on your diagnosis experience.

Please share your CLL temperature regulation experiences, ticking all that apply, and add comments on frequency, known trigger factors, etc.

In what situations have you felt unfairly treated since diagnosis? Please tick all that apply and add comments describing your experience.

Fatigue is common symptom with CLL that is poorly recognised by doctors. Please share your experiences via this poll plus comments.

What age were you diagnosed with CLL/SLL?

How long after diagnosis did you first receive treatment or are you on watch and wait? Feel free to post a comment about what treatment(s) you've had, incl. transfusions eg IVIG and your experiences.

How many years is it since your diagnosis with CLL/SLL? Please feel free to comment on your experiences of living with CLL/SLL. (Next poll will be on how long before treatment was needed.)

What have you done to maintain/improve your general health since being diagnosed with CLL? Please tick those that apply to you and feel free to add other examples in your comments.

How does your GP react to your concerns about issues that could be CLL-related? Tick any boxes that may apply and feel free to add further comment

APPOINTMENTS. We’ve written to UK specialist nurses & are emailing GP practices to inform about CLL support and literature. Feedback will assist this development. Tick the boxes that apply to you.

Question 4. Relating to www.cllsupport.org.uk the CLLSA website (NOT HERE). How often do you think information on the site is up-dated (excluding news letters or meeting information)?

Question 3. This relates to the CLLSA website http://www.cllsupport.org.uk (NOT HERE) If you had the opportunity to further develop the way information is structured what would you do?

Question 2. CLLSA website (cllsupport.org.uk) development poll. Do you think information is structured so it is easy to find for ANYONE WHO HAS NOT USED THE WEBSITE BEFORE?

Our first poll confirmed 78% of respondents use the CLLSA website; http://www.cllsupport.org.uk Is information structured so it is easy for YOU to find?

Your input will aid the development of UK CLL support on line. Which on-line resources do you use to help you live with CLL? (Please tick any that may apply to you)

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