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Weight Loss Support

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All posts for November 2013

weight loss by calorie counter

Where can you get a calorie counter
brat673 profile image

Launching on 6 January: NHS Weight Loss Club

Kick start 2014 by joining the NHS Weight Loss Club and lose weight with other m...
TheEditor profile image

Anyone used hypnosis audiobooks for weight loss?

My local library has started lending digital audiobooks. Not many in the catalog...
GoogleMe profile image
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#wk1 Friday weigh in

Re-started programme after messing up badly. Have lost 2lb off a 6lb gain now 10...
micky10 profile image

I Need Help

I cannot get down to my diet, I start in the morning, off by the evening. I h...
sunriser profile image

New to the community, just creating a thread where I can share my problems/triumphs and talk to someone about my weight problem.

Hi guys, I'm a male with weight 96.3 kgs and am 188 cm tall ( 6" 2' and 15.2 s...
John121 profile image

First Time that Ive seen results

Ive been on the nhs weight loss plan and Ive nearly lost a stone in 7 weeks. Thi...
Bree66 profile image

I have fallen by he wayside over the last few weeks and with Christmas coming is it worth bothering now until after the holiday?

elaineanne1 profile image

Call to action: help us reach one million downloads...

Hello all! Great news! The 12 week weight loss plan has been downloaded 830,000...
TheEditor profile image

Completed Week 1

Okay - I started last Thursday and have decided to keep going on week 1 till Sun...
munchqueen profile image

A nice surprise

I did it - I got myself into the healthy BMI range by the NHS calculator. It was...
GoogleMe profile image

Mealtimes around odd work hours

Most of the week I work 9-5 type hours but on Wednesdays I work 12 til 8pm. I fi...
Divided profile image

hi all! hope you weight loss is going well!i was wondering is 1500 calorie for all women?

im 5 foot 2, 10 stone 8 pounds. was wondering how many calories should i really ...
muslimakim profile image

Arrrgh why can't I stick to my diet???!!!

I have my big 50 party in January and was determined not to be fat and fifty!!, ...
dawn2501 profile image

8 days a go I said that I would try a 1,200 Calories diet. I have now done this for the last 8 days.

The result was an initial loss of 1 lb followed by the rapid gain of 1lb and the...
gphw profile image

Not losing weight but body shape changing?

Hi all, I've been losing my baby weight since August & have lost 2 stone so far...
HeidiB profile image

Fitbit Flex

Fitbit Flex activity bands are in the Amazon ( Blackfriday sale for £44.99...


Hey everyone, Hope you have had a good weekend. I am so excited today because it...
manish83 profile image

First day on the 12 week programme :)

Hello, I am Kirsty, 35yrs old and currently halfway through my weight loss jour...
KitBrown profile image

# WLC 6 Well this beggers belief!

After losing one pound at the end of a week of careful calorie counting and lot...
runningmam profile image

If my wieght is 99kg what should I do

Kristen10 profile image

Week 2

Last week went well. Food is a funny mixture of necessity, and pleasure or stres...
kaluw1 profile image

Juicing and weightloss

Has anyone tried the juicing awaiting my juicer just wanted to know any ...
bury527 profile image

does drinking wine makes you put on weight? if not wht is the healthy amt tht can be comsumed while on a diet program?

vanez profile image

Please Join Me for a Weigh-in (Monday 25th November 2013).

Hi everyone, My cold has finally gone, but I haven't managed to get back into e...
Zest profile image
Healthy BMI

Has anyone tried Tava,weight loss tea? I saw it advertised on the internet.

beaton profile image

I'm back

I have kept to a healthy lifestyle, only eating what I should. I've changed my m...
Janelily profile image

£5 Exercise card

Hi to All, I just heard today that GP services are offering a £5 exercise card ...
manish83 profile image am I going.

I bought a calorie counting book, but more seriously I have started to look at p...

i feel like chewing on sugar free chewing gum helps a lot to stop the cravings but i dont seem to be losing any weight. HELP!!!!!!!!

Please give me suggestions on how increase the amount of weight i lose a week. T...
alishah700 profile image