Maintainers club September 2024 - Weight Loss Support

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Maintainers club September 2024

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopHostMaintainer2st 7lbs
57 Replies

Hi everyone,

Wow, September already! I can't believe I was saying that in March, six months have gone by so quickly. How are you all feeling? Are you feeling positive about getting back on track with any extra pounds you might have gained or keeping up with maintaining? What are your plans to stay on your maintenance journey?

As usual the lady represents balance and I wonder how you are all doing in regards balancing things in your own lives? I am trying to balance things for myself. I realise that when things get hectic and busy for me that I rely more on "easy" food! I am not sure if I have said before that we are preparing for an assistance dog for my youngest and visiting the dog and the training venue has taken up most of our summer. We have been staying at a cottage there and then having some overnight contact with the dog. It's been exciting but also tiring and hence the easy food comes in. Some of you may be aware that I have CFS/ME too which can be restrictive also.

So, my plan for September is to try and cut back on the extra treats that have crept in. Things may get a bit hectic again as my youngest is due to start back at Uni this month too. I hope that I can balance the expectations expected of me and my own needs including keeping my healthier lifestyle in check!

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Bee-bop profile image
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57 Replies
Gizmocat profile image

Thanks for posting Bee-bop. Here's to a good month

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopHostMaintainer2st 7lbs in reply to Gizmocat

Thanks Gizmocat, here's to a good month too 🙂

Moreorless profile image
MoreorlessMaintainer3 stone

Hi Bee- bop

Hope it works out well with the dog settling in with your youngest.

Yes, I know what you mean by trying to balance- it is only when we are on an even keel that we can help and nurture loved ones.Having lost my health, my ability to look after myself is something I feel I ‘ve only realised after the event.

You call it ‘easy’ food- more treats but are now focusing on a healthier lifestyle. Good on you, you are back on track. Horray! It is never too late!!

I’m trying too, my sights are back on regaining my target weight.

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopHostMaintainer2st 7lbs in reply to Moreorless

Hi Moreorless,

Me too regarding the dog as my youngest still lives at home so a big responsibility we're taking on as a family but, if it means they can be more independent then we're all willing to help with that.

Yes, it's never too late to get back on track and I think I am in a much better place in regards healthier eating than when I started my journey.

What plan are you adopting to get back to your target weight?

RG07 profile image
RG07Maintainer in reply to Moreorless

Hello, I hope your health and ability to self-care improves and that you get back on track with your weight and following a healthy lifestyle. Though my health is good I do know I am not a good patient when I am ill, I feel my body has let me down and take it personally:) Good luck with getting back on track!

Moreorless profile image
MoreorlessMaintainer3 stone in reply to RG07

I don’t feel my body has let me down, I need to listen to it better.🙂

Moreorless profile image
MoreorlessMaintainer3 stone

I’m doing a refresher course about healthy eating- keeping a food diary and trying to balance exercise and rest. Going in the right direction.👍

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopHostMaintainer2st 7lbs in reply to Moreorless

Those sound ideal Moreorless, definitely in the right direction. I would love to go swimming more but, this summer has been so busy it didn't fit jn with other plans. I am hoping to start that back up.

Moreorless profile image
MoreorlessMaintainer3 stone in reply to Bee-bop

Resuming swimming will be really good. I do one session of Good Boost(Aqua) - two when my healthy eating course finishes , seated Pilates, walking and gardening.

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopHostMaintainer2st 7lbs in reply to Moreorless

I go wihh my middle daughter to swimming so I am also reliant on them being ok to go but, Ifeel we can get back to it in September.

Is the healthy eating course ran in the local area?

Gardening can be very energetic depending on your garden size etc. I have just planters and hanging baskets outside but they sure take up time and energy!

Walking is a lovely gentle way to exercise. I think we'll definitely be doing more walking once the dog is finally home although I am hoping we can all take turns to do it with my youngest until she gets used to it.

Moreorless profile image
MoreorlessMaintainer3 stone in reply to Bee-bop

The course is online- run by the local health authority for people living with long term conditions. I have osteoarthritis.

My garden does keep me fit- grass, hedges, watering etc but it is so lovely watching plants grow. I haven’t grown any tomatoes or vegetables this year. My walk on a Friday to a local cafe is brisk and the only day when I do my heart points.

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopHostMaintainer2st 7lbs in reply to Moreorless

Ah, that sounds useful of your local authority does it mean an online group or singular participation? In my area I think the group is focused on weight loss.

Yes, seeing things grow definitely brings joy from the hard work. I have had some tomatoes this year and also some chillies are coming up too buy, usually I stick to flowers.

Do you have to take things more gently due to the osteoarthritis?

Moreorless profile image
MoreorlessMaintainer3 stone in reply to Bee-bop

It is an online group, I chose it as the two face to face groups would mean quite a long journey. The focus is on healthy weight loss.

No, I don’t take things more gently but pace myself in the garden- switching from bending to upright or stretching work. If I have cut the grass, I do have a break then. We had a couple of downpours overnight, so no watering today. Bit of tidying later today.

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopHostMaintainer2st 7lbs in reply to Moreorless

Ah, that's good there's a choice but, can understand why you didn't want the journey. It is a bit like that with the physio here, loads of appointments a journey away, not many here.

That sounds a good idea regarding changing things up in the garden andhaving a break when cutting the grass. Here it was more light and drizzly rain. I was hoping for the thunderstorms! Did you manage the tidying? It is a thankless task but feels better once it's done at least.

I was out earlier for a meal with all the children as it is my eldest's birthday coming up so, I have been a little less concerned about my food intake today. On the plus, the food was lovely and I only had water to drink. Will try to rein things in tomorrow.

Moreorless profile image
MoreorlessMaintainer3 stone in reply to Bee-bop

You have to enjoy your eldest’s birthday! A get together is so important, of course you can be more careful today and all week.

I did do a bit in the garden but everything was soaked through! A little and often is motto for the garden.

Shame about the Physio, hope a more local appointment comes through soon.

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopHostMaintainer2st 7lbs in reply to Moreorless

Yes, birthdays and get togethers are important for sure. I will try to keep my eye on things this week. Cake is on he cards though 😶

Hopefully you can get some more gardening done as the weather clears up a bit.

Yes wih the physio it is that they are in our area two days but the main town all week so demand is more here. It is for my middle daughter and I go with them. Funnily enough we've an appointment later today. At least it's not a hospital appointment as that again depends and one of the hospitals is two buses or near an hour and a half away by car.

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopHostMaintainer2st 7lbs

Hi to: burntsun Brumosa elliebath Fiadh79 2bFabnfit hjskev Ironqueen lea57-49r lovefabric Momo53 Pollyw RG07 Tank_EG walkthisway

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Bee-bop

  burntsun   Brumosa   elliebath   Fiadh79  Gizmocat   hjskev   Ironqueen    lea57-49r   lovefabric  Momo53  Pollyw  RG07  Tank_EG walkthisway 2bFabnfit

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopHostMaintainer2st 7lbs in reply to moreless

It never hyperlinks when I try 😄

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Bee-bop

You can't copy and paste links on the forum :)

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopHostMaintainer2st 7lbs in reply to moreless

Ah, that'll be it 😃

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Bee-bop


elliebath profile image

Hi Bee-bop, Thanks for hosting and thanks for the nudge. How can it possibly be september already?!

I'm actually away on a cruise for 2 weeks , (so not the best time for me to comment on my progress ) but I will hopefully only gain 3-4 pounds , although it is very hot so I may not walk as much as usual. I'll report back in mid Sept..

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopHostMaintainer2st 7lbs in reply to elliebath

Hi elliebath,

I know! The months are flying by.

Yes, holidays are for enjoying! Fingers crossed on only a small gain. Also, the heat may make you less likely to want to eat? I know it can for me sometimes. Hope you have a lovely time and look forward yo hearing about your travels when you return 🙂

Moreorless profile image
MoreorlessMaintainer3 stone in reply to elliebath

Oh, yes, you must enjoy the food on your cruise- in moderation of course. You can do it👍

RG07 profile image

Hello and thanks for hosting this month- I am the same when things get hectic, or my routine changes then snacks (unhealthy ones) creep in. I have had a good month despite the above- even reached my target weight (53.5kg). Travelling up North to visit my mother each month has meant wine gums, mint humbugs and Haribo's have become part of the travelling routine! This is a routine I need to break since though at the moment I can recover quickly weight wise, but as I get older this will change. I have in theory lost 0.6kg comparing my weight from the 1st August to 2nd September, however after visiting my mother my weight went up to 55.3kg but after getting back on track and doing my training for the charity walk, I have lost 1.8kg over the month of August. I have managed to resist the call of crisps which has been bad the last few days- quickly changing into my PJ's to stop me from going to the shops:)

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopHostMaintainer2st 7lbs in reply to RG07

Hi RG07, I remember those wine gums are certainly an issue on your journeys to see your mum! But, resisting crisps has to be celebrated as they have been such a problem too. Getting into your PJ'S sounds like a winner 👍 losing 1.8kg in the month and reaching your target as well sounds like you have got back on track for sure. What is the charity walk you are doing and when is that?

Moreorless profile image
MoreorlessMaintainer3 stone in reply to RG07

So glad you had no crisps in the house! Well done too for getting back to your target weight.

Instead of sweets- have you tried singing along to songs or listening to music to transport you somewhere else? Drink water during the journey. Have you tried chewing sugar free gum? Good luck!

RG07 profile image
RG07Maintainer in reply to Moreorless

Never liked gum - it’s mainly for thirst and I can’t drink unless I’m stopped which I can’t do on a motorway 😏

Moreorless profile image
MoreorlessMaintainer3 stone in reply to RG07

Just have to have a little water then!🤷

Brumosa profile image

Hi Bee-bop , thanks for hosting this month. I am feeling positive, having had a good month weight-wise in August. Now, having lost 3kg since the Spring, I am noticing the difference in my measurements and how my trousers fit me. I am encouraged and so want to keep up the momentum. I have had occasional social pub meals, such as yesterday for my husband's birthday, but generally am able to adjust what I eat in the following days. Having really cut down on any sugar, I have lost the craving for snacks in the evenings, too. I hope it will last. Yesterday we went to the coast for a walk and I didn't really feel any need to have an ice-cream cornet. Just as well, as the one my husband had melted faster than any ice-cream we have ever known...and it was a cool, breezy day! We think the recipe must have been wrong.

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopHostMaintainer2st 7lbs in reply to Brumosa

That sounds amazing Brumosa, 3 stones since summer is a huge acheivement 👍 well done on swerving the ice-cream too, I bet your husband had to be quick with his before it all disappeared though!

It's funny how all these better habits come together isn't it. Cutting down on sugar helping ditch the evening snack cravings too.

What advice would you give to get similar results ?

Brumosa profile image

Actually only 3kg (6.6lb), not 3 stone 😁, as I really only want to lose 3kg more. My poor husband got ice-cream in his hair, his beard and on his trousers, so it was a pretty stressful treat. 😌 But as it cost over £4 he didn't want to throw it away. I used to snack on crackers in the evening, but at the moment I'm happy with fruit. I hope the longer evenings don't restart my snacking.

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopHostMaintainer2st 7lbs in reply to Brumosa

Oops, I hsve no idea why I read it as stones! 3kg is still impressive though 👍 Oh, the treat sounds very stressful, maybe they should provide customers with a straw 😄

How will you deal with any cracker cravings in the longer evenings?

Brumosa profile image

I am not sure. I know snacking occurs after my husband goes up to bed, while I am reading. No-one to see me and I am absorbed in a book. I wonder if a non-alcoholic lager would be a good substitute. It would feel like a treat and fill my stomach. Anyone else got any ideas? It hasn't happened yet, as I have plenty of fruit in the bowl, but we live a long way from shops and we do run out. I will need to plan my shopping so I have drinks in store.

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopHostMaintainer2st 7lbs in reply to Brumosa

Hi Brumosa,

It's hard when things become a habit isn't it but, your non alcoholic lager sounds a good idea. It's a good move from crackers.

I think RG07 mentioned getting into their pyjamas has helped them stop eating later in the evening.

Gizmocat profile image
GizmocatModerator13kgMaintainer in reply to Brumosa

I've never thought of non alcoholic lager as an evening treat. I often have a decaf tea in the evening. Even a glass of water is quite filling and better than snacking. I don't know if there are many calories in lager but if it was included in your plan it would probably be okay.

Brumosa profile image
BrumosaMaintainer in reply to Gizmocat

I would factor in the calories (100-115), but instead of opening a packet of poppy and sesame crackers (20 cals each) and not being able to stop eating them... I wouldn't dream of opening a second bottle.

Gizmocat profile image
GizmocatModerator13kgMaintainer in reply to Brumosa

Sounds like the lager would be better than the crackers. Of course the obvious answer is don't buy the crackers. If you don't have them in the house you can't eat them 🤷. Easy to say I know😂

Brumosa profile image

I mentioned before that my motivation to lose weight this time has been enhanced by my family member going to slimming world (free 12 sessions). She wants to go it alone soon, so I have recommended this forum. I use myfitnesspal, but wonder if anyone has used other apps? It needs to be a really straightforward one to suit her.

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopHostMaintainer2st 7lbs in reply to Brumosa

My own weightloss path was through slimming world and I sought of still stick to that although as a target member you can add things to your daily intake. What did they think of SW? I am sure other maintainers can help re apps.

Brumosa profile image
BrumosaMaintainer in reply to Bee-bop

SW has been a helpful start, as the focus is on lots of healthy food and steering away from sugar and fat. They have 3 free sessions to run but after that cost becomes a factor.

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopHostMaintainer2st 7lbs in reply to Brumosa

I like SW as it does help get you into healthier eating. I continued after my free sessions as I felt it helped and continued online during lockdown. Having others in the same boat as you in the group and being able to pick up helpful tips from the group is helpful too.

Brumosa profile image
BrumosaMaintainer in reply to Bee-bop

Do you keep a food diary still for syns or do you use calories now? I have looked at two apps and they are very similar, using calories and exercise diaries.

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopHostMaintainer2st 7lbs in reply to Brumosa

I am a little off track but, I keep an eye on the syns. You can have extra healthy extras too so I can relax a bit with them.

Gizmocat profile image
GizmocatModerator13kgMaintainer in reply to Brumosa

I use my Fitbit app. I can log my food and it records my steps/exercise from my tracker and works out the calories. It also records carbs if you are carb counting. There is a premium version which you pay for which gives more information. There is a free trial when you start. I don't have the premium version. I find the basic information is enough and is free. I just need to start logging my food again and get back on track 😂

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopHostMaintainer2st 7lbs in reply to Gizmocat

Hi Gizmocat, I hear you with logging food again to get back on track!

Brumosa profile image
BrumosaMaintainer in reply to Bee-bop

I agree, it's just another thing to do in the day and takes time. But I am up to 94 days and 3kg loss, centimetres off waist and hips, so I am keen to continue.

Brumosa profile image
BrumosaMaintainer in reply to Gizmocat

Does it involve buying a watch?

Gizmocat profile image
GizmocatModerator13kgMaintainer in reply to Brumosa

Yes. You need a watch or tracker to link steps to the app.

mizzou7016 profile image

for me it is getting back to my basics....doing things that I know work for me.....such as trying to eat a little something every 2-3 hours and not eating after a certain period of time...relying more on protein shakes after a certain time frame. it's hard to do with my current schedules....but I will do my best......

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopHostMaintainer2st 7lbs in reply to mizzou7016

Hi mizzou7016,

Welcome to the maintainers group. It sounds like you know what works for you. I used to try to stay to 2 1/2 and 3 hours eating and not eating after 6pm. Is your current schedule linked to work shifts?

mizzou7016 profile image
mizzou7016Visitor in reply to Bee-bop

current schedule is 7a-7p thursday through monday at a state level prison. In addition to that I am attending emergency medical services certification classes tuesdays and thursdays from 5p-9p.....trying to rely more on shakes...but don't always do the trick after work.....

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopHostMaintainer2st 7lbs in reply to mizzou7016

Those are long days and studying as well is a lot to do. You seem to be doing the best you can in the circumstances.

mizzou7016 profile image
mizzou7016Visitor in reply to Bee-bop

yes....but I always feel like i could be doing more.......just get frustrated...

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopHostMaintainer2st 7lbs in reply to mizzou7016

I hear ya. I have felt that way too. Look at what you have achieved so far and remind yourself that you are working towards a healthier lifestyle.

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopHostMaintainer2st 7lbs

Well, we are half way through September already! It is feeling a bit chillier where I am and I am thinking of quick warmer meals that I can take for packed lunches as I will be out of the house a couple of days a week now as my youngest goes back to her studies. I am fine when it's a bit warmer as I love salads. What do others like to do for such occasions? If you indeed have them?

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