If my wieght is 99kg what should I do - Weight Loss Support
If my wieght is 99kg what should I do

Hi Kristen10,
You could find out what your Body Mass Index (BMI) is - there are online calculators that will work it out for you, you only need to input your height and your weight. That would give you an idea of where you are in relation to the recommended BMI levels. The NHS weight loss site gives lots of advice and support regarding weight management, and also, if you read these posts and people's responses, then you may find some advice that would be helpful to you.
It's usually better to set weekly goals that you want to achieve.
Good luck.
Check your spelling mate, that's what you should do!
I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought that, mateillanswer!
Kristen10, you should do whatever you want to do, because that is what you will do in the end. I recently decided to invent my own diet to follow because my weight had reached the point where I felt ill. It was good incentive to really do something about it. Just wanting to look slimmer in my jeans was never enough for me as I've never minded being overweight. Have a good think about why you want to lose weight and whether you are really committed. If you are, start searching for your perfect weight loss plan. The internet is full of them and they aren't all created equally. Generally I would stay away from anything that says low-fat, be it food or diets. Use your common sense. If something looks too good to be true, it is. You cannot lose weight eating low-fat food that is full of chocolate and/or sugar. Experiment with your diet finding out what works for you. Don't think you have it right the first week because you almost certainly don't. For me, zero sugar/low carbs is what works. I eat moderate amounts of fat and protein with veg or salad. My only cheat is the occasional slice of multiseed bread. I've lost two stone since the 6th October and I'm still losing. I'm not saying it's the perfect diet for everyone (losing all sugars from your diet is really hard) but it is the right diet for me.
Good luck.
can any one help me loose some weight please tips would be greatfull
I'm a mum of 3 girls age 12 15 18
I'm 15 stone and I can't seem to get rid of it