I have my big 50 party in January and was determined not to be fat and fifty!!, but i'm more on a mission to gain weight rather than lose, the weeks are flying by and all i'm doing is gaining weight not losing, I need help!!. Does the 5 2 diet really work??
Arrrgh why can't I stick to my diet???!!! - Weight Loss Support
Arrrgh why can't I stick to my diet???!!!

Everyone at my work is on the 5:2 but I'm the only one losing weight! I think it does work if you can stick to it and actually is is working for one of them - the one who doesn't really need to diet. It's definitely not for me, but that doesn't mean it doesn't work.
I'm with Concerned. Deciding to make all your own meals is about the best thing you can do for your health. So many processed foods contain things that really aren't food at all and far more sugar than anyone needs. Just that small change can make a huge difference, even before you place any restrictions on yourself.
thank you for your reply, I do eat try to eat as you've suggested, I know what I should be eating, I've been a yoyo dieter most of my life, I've lost weight so many times but gone and put it all back again plus more, I seem to have a self destruct button!!!, I love the feeling when I've lost weight and feel good about myself but then I ruin it all............I've had the past 6 months to get act together and now i'm down to two............It's causing me to panic!
5:2 really worked for me and, at 63, it's the first diet where I've lost weight - three stone and I'm now a size 10 for the first time since I was a teenager - but it's the first time I've not yoyoed the weight straight back on again and I've been maintaining my new weight for six months. Once you've reached your goal you just 'fast' one day a week. Do watch the BBC Horizon programme that started it off, "Eat, Fast and Live Longer" which you can find easily on vimeo.com. I was obviously interested in living longer at my age, but I want to be healthy and fit as well!
wow that's amazing....well done, how long did it take you if you don't mind me asking
It took me six months to lose three stone. I started eating from smaller plates and not nibbling in the evenings after I watched the programme but wasn't sure what else to do, then Kate Harrison brought out her 5:2 Diet book in October. I had slimmed from a 16 to a 10 by April. I started c25k in January, having hated running at school but I felt so good I needed an outlet for my new energy! Do watch the programme - it will change your life.
The 5:2 may work for some people but not everyone. It doesn't work for me, but cutting down on carbs does.
This article explains some of the science behind weight gain. If you eat too much food that raises your insulin/glucose levels it will be stored as fat, especially refined carbs like white bread and sugar. Eating fat does not make you fat, unless you combine it with carbs (cake, chips). If you can lower your carbs but include some good protein and fats like butter into your diet, you have a better chance of not feeling hungry.
I've tried every diet going, I know that I need to get into the mind frame of it being healthy eating for life not just short term.... thanks for the info
If you are prone to the 'munchies', then 5:2 may not be so good. try to have a meal planned or something healthy you can snack on within calorie allowance for as soon asyou get home. If you don't get too hungry perhaps the munchies will stay way!
Good luck
Hi dawn2501,
Does the 5:2 diet really work? Well in many respects the jury is still out on that one.
It seems to work for some people in some circumstances. By "work" I mean some people do seem to manage to lose weight and keep it off in the longer term.
My guess is it really is more about to what degree the dieter addresses changing "bad" eating habits (eating too often, over-size portions, wrong types of food) for "good" ones.
It is said that "if you don't know how you put on the weight, then you'll not know how to lose it".
In my view, that process of coming to a realisation of what is "wrong" with my eating that resulted in me to becoming significantly overweight, was for me the key to bringing about the changes.
Good luck with your weigth loss efforts.

thank you, I'm wanting a quick fix which I know isn't the way forward,