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Weight Loss Support

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All posts for August 2016

What do you do when the Munchies strike?!

I've never really watched my calories as such in the past but its about time I d...


Hi everyone, just started week 2 of up and active feeling really motivated but I...

Day 2 first week

Hi Meals today Granola and semi skimmed milk 45 g Chicken and veg for lunch C...
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hey, everyboie. i am new here. and i am really trying to lose weight
tessreed profile image

Formby beach

I had a love,y walk this morning with my sister and dog on formby beach . I'm st...
Mollydex profile image

calories in tea

im trying to work out what calories are in a mug (250mls) of tea, using semi ski...
shadow2foxy profile image

11 Weeks until my wedding

Hello, thought i'd come on here for a bit of support. I'm getting married soon a...
Himart profile image

"You look fine!"

Don't you just love the people who decide to dictate how much weight you should ...
PotterBook profile image

I dont believe it

Would you believe it I am now down with another cold and its twice as bad as the...
dish70 profile image

Now for the next 10Kg...

Hi all, As you all know, I started this journey a few months ago and lost 14Kg a...
Mammou profile image

Todays Top Tip

Hi Losers Well the tip today to shed a few extra calories is to use a smaller pl...
Hidden profile image

Day 2 of week 1.

So last week I downloaded the 12 week challenge to read through before Monday (d...
Shana03 profile image

Rain, rain go away ....

It is pouring with rain here today, so that's quashed my intentions for another ...
elliebath profile image

Hi I'm new

Hi all, I'm new here and I'm about to go camping for 3 weeks without Internet. ...
Gjels profile image

Start of Week 44 … You are worth it

OK so why am I on this treadmill of getting to become a healthier me? We all kn...
Johnny-One profile image

Have I got it wrong?

Just starting day 2 of the 12 week plan. Have been reading up and double checki...
Wombat58 profile image


12st 11lb - same as the last 6 weeks. At my wits' end.
LizzieG101 profile image

Kicking the fizzy drinks

Okay, so ashamedly, I am struggling to kick the fizzy drink habit. My parents w...
Fit-ishPlum profile image

Only lost one pound this week:(

I stuck to the heathy eating plan but only managed to lose one pound this week. ...
notsoslimnow profile image

is this normal?

This happens to me all the time. When I start seeing results, losing weight my b...

Newbie here

I found out today that I have a fatty liver, probably caused by chemo, but it ga...
anniered profile image

Programme Alert!

Hi everyone just a reminder on Channel 5 @ 10pm tonight is a documentary call...
Hidden profile image

Weigh in

206 lbs. one pound on. Away for anniversary weekend indulged though get up exerc...
Stefan24 profile image
1 stone

Feeling sad...

Today has been a BAD day in so many ways...... * Met my (very upset) cousin for ...
Jweanie profile image

Joining today

Hi It's my first day, weighing in at 13 stone 13 lbs, I would really like some ...

Monday weigh in week 1!

Hello all, It's my first week! Im weighing in at 9 st 9lbs. I'd like to get bac...
Webb profile image

Monday weigh-in a torture

hi.........was just wondering why does weigh in days have to be Mondays for chal...
lily-loo profile image

Newbie - with big task ahead

After three years of gradual weight gain due to health problems, now sorted, I a...
Wombat58 profile image

Week 1 over with & happy

Just weighed myself this morning as I've completed the first week....& have lost...

5:2 dieting? Yay or Nay..

Hello peoples. I've been googling success stories online for some motivation to...
Fit-ishPlum profile image