After three years of gradual weight gain due to health problems, now sorted, I am determined to lose the 5 stone I am advised would give me my ideal weight. Today is day 1 week 1 of the 12 week plan. I have a big trip booked for 9 weeks time, what would you guys suggest is a reasonable target to have achieved by then? After so long without much exercise, except short dog walks, I feel daunted by the couch to 5k plan. Again suggestions would be much appreciated. Unhelpful 'friends' ask why, at nearly 64 I am bothering. I like to think I can make up for lost time and be as fit as I can possibly be, for as long as possible.
Newbie - with big task ahead - Weight Loss Support
Newbie - with big task ahead

First of all, I am pleased your health problems are now resolved, that's good news. I am 59 and also put weight on due to health problems, also now resolved 😊. I've lost my weight slowly an average of 1 lb per week, on the NHS plan you can hope to achieve 1-2lbs per week, some people lose more! I too had not exercised much apart from dog walking and I have found Leslie Sansomes videos on you tube very good, starting on the 1 mile ones and building up to 3 miles, they are based on walking and I combine those with brisk walking outside. I've found having a step tracker very useful and motivating too, and joining in on the challenges on here. Ignore your friends, you have exactly the right attitude! Good luck!
Thankyou Caz for your comments. I will be pleased if I can lose 1lb per week until my hols but maybe a bit more. If I can get moving soon and keep on track while away (2 months camper van touring in Oz so quite a bit of control over what I eat) I will take a look at the youtube videos later. My little Westie will be shattered!
Hello Wombat58
I started out on this journey last August hoping to lose 8 lbs before my sons wedding that was 8 weeks away, and managed it 😊 I felt so much better that I have sustained the 1lb a week average all through the wedding week, Christmas and two holidays 😊 Once you get going and create the right eating habits it becomes second nature 😊 Apart from a recent blip health wise I am hopeful of reaching target weight by the end of the year. I recently dropped below 70kg (11 stone) for the first time since 1994 😊 Trust me, if I can do it anyone can! 😊 Good luck!
Well done on deciding to get fitter and not listening to your friends that told you why bother. Age is no absolute barrier and you can do it. You'll get loads of support from the people on here, you'll love it.
Good luck and I am glad your health issues are now resolved. x

Thank you Sazkia, I look forward to the 'journey'.

Hi Wombat58 and welcome to this really helpful and friendly forum. Of course you want to be in control of your body shape and age is irrelevant to that. I'm glad that your recent health issues are resolved and you are in a position to think about healthy eating and exercise choices. Sometimes we have to ignore helpful friends. I prefer swimming to running and do two half hour swims a week with a cheeky third if family life juggling allows. We also bought an exercise bike which I use whilst catching up on the telly. You don't t want to lose weight too quickly, one to two pounds a week is the safest option. Good luck with your weight loss. I'm intrigued as to where you are off to in nine weeks? Xx
Thank you slimpickings. I haven't swum in years but used to love it so appreciate the reminder. We have an outdoor pool (lido) open in the summer and an indoor in the winter so I really have no excuse. We are off on a second trip to Australia, to see the West and South coasts which we didn't have time for before. As a minimum I need to be able to get in and out of the camper van without puffing! I have lovely memories of our previous trip so want to make the most of it (possibly our last tour, depending on my husband's health). We have friends in Perth, Adelaide and Sydney so look forward to seeing them too!

Welcome and good luck - you can lose quite a bit in 9 weeks, I lost 26lbs in my first 9 weeks (7 stones ago, lol!).
Don't worry about being a marathon runner straight away, the C25K programme is very gradual and takes it as slow as you can manage. I started it with 4 stones excess weight and it took me a bit longer to get through the weeks, but I did it and now can run 10K!
So, good luck with the exercise and the weight loss and keep us posted on your progress
Thanks LessToLose. I am finding all these replies so encouraging and will look up your suggestion of C25K. I will report back next week with an update and/or more questions! Should I start another thread? Not sure how this works.
It's never too late to make an effort to lose weight and from my experience you will feel so much fitter! You could easily lose 18lbs in 9 weeks if you stick to the plan. It's all about creating new healthier shopping/cooking/eating habits. Lots of helpful info on here. Good luck!