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CLL Support

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All posts for July 2021

Is a short 2 day trip away, unsafe for us?

Hi All, I have made arrangement to go on a short 2 day Hotel trip in two weeks, ...
Vindicatrix profile image

Did I get that right???

The substitute Health Secretary Sajid Javid announced today that, as of August 1...

Freedom day could come at a high price for the clinically vulnerable by Sean O'Neil CLL Patient and UK Times Newspaper Chief Reporter

As Boris Johnson was declaring Freedom Day yesterday, I was flying back to Londo...
Jm954 profile image
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STELLAR Trial in the UK for Richter's

Just a reminder that there is a UK trial at 17 centres around the UK for patient...
Jm954 profile image

How good has been anyone’s experience of cll team at the Leeds St James hospital in the UK?

Treatment at St James hospital Leeds
Barney2866 profile image

ALERT!!! SCAM Email requesting you apply for a COVID Digital Passport is being received by members

There is a fake COVID-19 digital passport scam being circulated via email to peo...
Jm954 profile image


Hi, Are there people who use Ibrutinib and are on 1 capsule 120 mg every day and...
Green202 profile image

Acalabrutinib headaches - on and off all day?

My husband started Acalabrutinib in mid April - 2 pills daily - and has been hav...

Ibrutinib or Acalabrutinib

Dx 2016 with cll. Male 75 years 11q deleted. One BR treatment in March 2019.Adve...
Joffre1 profile image

Time to start treat?

I was diagnosed in 2014, after quiet W & W 7 years, almost forget I am a CLL pat...
Sheng profile image

Call the interpreter !

Call the interpreter ! zap 70+ CD 38+ del 11 q del 13 q IGVH mutation ind...
janvog profile image

Has anyone heard of the Dr SEBI diet ?

I got this on a Google search and wondered if it's any good and if anyone has an...
Research123 profile image

Best face masks

There was a post on safest face masks but I can’t find it . Can anybody help.
AnneeNor profile image

Working, CLL and Covid

Hi, I am about to start a new teaching position after a career break of two year...
Kenn123 profile image

Wait and watch vs immediate treatment for unmutated IgHV and normal FISH

Is there any new evidence emerging to indicate that it’s better to start immedia...
nuji profile image

Just started Acalabritunib....

Hello, everyone, My husband just started on Acalabrutinib and has been having s...
hsouter profile image

Help! Newly diagnosed CLL

Came down with a UTI (unknown for me), blood in the urine, third course of antib...
Petroc profile image

Weight gain on Venetoclax

Has anybody noticed weight gain whilst on a Venetoclax, I lost 10.5 stone some ...
2gizzy profile image

IVIG treatment

I just had my first of 6 IVIG treatments due to low immunity. The treatment went...
Rivergoddess profile image

BTK inhibitors for the treatment of CLL - the current state of play of 'brutinibs'

In just a short time, in many places, BTK inhibitors (BTKi) have largely replace...
CLLerinOz profile image

Lymphoid Gene Panel Report Question

Hello, I asked my haematologist to send away to Peter Mac to see what my mutati...
Waves01 profile image

Any Covid survivors with CLL?

Any Covid survivors with CLL? Would love to hear from you. Thanks!
Surfcraze profile image

Travel Insurance for CLL'ers UK

Apologies for raising this topic as I know it has been covered before. If anyone...

CLL, blocked infected tear ducts, and DCR

I’m stage A CLL, on watch and wait, and recently had two abscesses weeks apart, ...

Flow cytometry of a healthy person?

CLL typically expresses CD19+, CD20+, CD23+, CD5+ and CD10- in a flow cytometry ...
mantana profile image

Is it common for CLL patients to undergo hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) as treatment?

Hi guys! My husband was looking around for information and he found about this, ...
krikri1989ho profile image