Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

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All posts for November 2010

day 24 and balloning

I am still here day 24 and getting fatter by the hour. I am putting on weight d...

Week 3 and going good!

Hi All, Thought I would post a quick update, things are going fine here. Have n...

Day 13

Morning All Well here is the start of another day and now for me its day 13 and ...
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addictive personality

ummm....don't know where to start! ...need to give up the fags so I can give up ...

Using NRT occasionally?

I have read a few folks who are using gum or tabs occasionally when it just gets...

Looking forward to week 4

Hi Folks, Well its been a week and a half has this one!!!!! I have had more crav...

Mouth Ulcers Anyone???

Evening All Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this, Mouth Ulcers. I...

thanks for being there for me

hiya everybody - im a newbie but have been reading all your posts for a while no...

24 hours

I had my last cigerette 24 hours or so ago. It actually wasn't as bad as I thoug...

New member

I have joined the site today and if the first time ever, that I have posted anyt...

Day 4

Cant beleive im on day 4 now , never thought i would get this far , and its goin...


Im a lurka from time to time . 66 days since my last cig .I packed in cause i wa...

Last day posting in month 1 board for me

Good Morning Today is my 25th day of quitting . as I will be finishing work for...

Day 5 and I'm feeeling gooooood!!

Not really sure what to say today, apart from WHOOOOOHOOOOOO!!! Am on Day 5 and...

Fridays are great for 2 reasons now

I have always loved a Friday, start of the weekend, years ago start of party tim...
Levs profile image
1000 Days Smoke Free

Cinnamon Warning!

Hello all! About a month ago I read in the tips part something about using cina...

Oh I nearly forgot

Hello WEEK 3 :D:D:D

12th Day~Whoop, whoop

Good morning all my Stop Buddies, Here it is day 12, yep day 12 and only 2 days ...

this going to be a good day,

:) Hello , Snowie, Jo, Ed, Embo, Sian, terri, and everyone who helped me through...

Started Champix today-need support

Hi. I'm 38 and have been smoking 20-30 cigs per day for the last 21 years. My hu...

New here .. on Day 3

Hello everyone , just joined tonight so glad i have found this place :D Smoked m...

well done all of you

:) it has gone really well for me today, thank you to all of you for being there...

6th Day

Hi Everyone,pleased to be on day 6 of not smoking! Day 5 was horrid as I had ran...

mad as a hatter

Dear All. I am now on day 22 ct and today I have so longed for a cig,I do not th...

More than halfway through the 3rd day

Day 3 is so very nearly over :O with minimal cravings! ..... wow i can't believe...

Tough Day

Hello all Just when things couldn't be going better, no cravings, Today has bee...

This is it

:) Ok everyone, today is the day, I think this is a fantastic site and with all ...

My week 3 journey...

Well have woken up today with mixed emotions.. I feel like i am arguing constant...

Yeeehah Day 4

Morning one and all, cant believe its day 4 already....doesnt time fly...actuall...

Last day in 3 wks and had best but worst morning

Wow this morning has been long at it is only 10am lol Left the house at 7:30 (w...
Levs profile image
1000 Days Smoke Free

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