What improvements would you like to see on ... - No Smoking Day
What improvements would you like to see on our Community? All feedback welcome and any suggestions on implementing these improvements
Please select all that apply:

I think this community is great, active long term members are very helpful, knowledgeable and work hard to help others, I voted for navigation and easier/user friendly of the site as it can be difficult to find things and use especially if not computer/ipad/phone wiz kids - know this is not the area of the community to resolve but could may be pass on to them...

Like Jared said, couldn't agree more with all the long term members with their encouragement and support, I voted quicker turnaround on post replies and more interaction, I think for new members that have been maybe browsing for a while that may be shy and pluck up the courage to post and not get replies for several hours or very few replies it can be disheartening - but this is a member effort to improve this in my opinion to try and check in a few times a day and reply even if a few replies from regular members and advice already given or their question answered, its all about getting that encouragement, sharing experiences - I will definitely try to make more of an effort to reply
PS Great poll Roisin, you work so hard here and it is not going unnoticed......

I think the site is already brilliant, easy to use and VERY helpful. Helped me on those difficult days
Thanks for all your hard work RoisinO1

I agree. This site is perfect for me. Hats off to Roisin01. Im sure its a lot of work doing this. I appreciate everything 😌

Thanks for those who have voted, could I ask that whoever voted 'Other' please leave a comment on it is, I promise, all comments will be treated as constructive
I think all this is done well.

This forum helped me a lot to go through my journey of quitting. I appreciate Roisin's quick response on all posts and great advise as well on what all of us are going through. I'm quite active in this forum these past few days, trying to encourage more new quitters to continue their smoke free journey and support everyone as much as possible. We all need support and that's what this forum is giving us.

To be able to upload images on replys..
Will send on to HU Technical team to see if they can do it, will let you know what they come back with Hercu
Hey Hercu
I got back the following message from HU Technical team and queried with them if they think it would be a low or high priority to implement:
"Hi Roisin,
I have passed your suggestion about attaching pictures in replies on to our product team who have advised me it is something they have been thinking about themselves. We will need to follow the production process in terms of spec’ing the work required and prioritising it alongside our current projects and tasks. However, it sounds like something that could be really great."
PS Further update below:
"Hi Roisin,
I am unable to give a timeframe on this due to the vast amount of projects the team are currently working on, however, I believe it would be a low priority. If this does change or if I hear an update of the work on this being undertaken, I will let you know.
Thanks for sharing the details of this, I will pass this on to the relevant team."