Started Champix today-need support - No Smoking Day

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Started Champix today-need support

nsd_user663_17606 profile image
26 Replies

Hi. I'm 38 and have been smoking 20-30 cigs per day for the last 21 years. My hubby gave up smoking 3 months ago using Champix for about 3 weeks and has sailed through the process, even though I still smoke in front of him. He seems to think that I will be fine, but I think I will need some additional support, and having read many posts, I think think this forum could be my answer! My quit date is 15th Nov, I know that this is a bit early to be posting on day 1, but I will quit sooner if the tablets kick in (hopefully).

I started on Champix today, after seing the nurse yesterday and am seriously worried about my willpower. I really want to give up, I smell of fags, my house smells, the kids hate it, and I have had a cough since I had that nasty viral infection about 6 weeks ago. Half hour ago I realised I only had one rizla left and had to go out and buy more. I've only tried to give up once before, that lasted 2 weeks, and I restarted cos I found out that my hubby had restarted too. Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I think this will be the toughest thing I have ever done (worse than bungee jumping and abseiling!) Thanks

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nsd_user663_17606 profile image
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26 Replies
nsd_user663_17487 profile image

I don't about the tablet but I do know that keeping busy and gewing gum helps.

And there's always plenty of info and help on this site. Trust me, I'm a newbie :)

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Hi Rachel

Firstly congratulations on deciding to stop smoking that is a great acheivement :)

Secondly the champix for me worked brilliantly, within 4-5 days of starting them i had stopped smoking and now i have been quit 12 days but i am no longer on the champix as they did not agree with me but they did what they are meant to do and now im smoke free. I cant see that you will still be smoking in the 15th, those champix will more than likely have you stopping before. Make sure you take with FOOD as they can make you feel rather sick if you dont, i know i forgot with one morning dose, silly me :(

Keep reading through the posts here and keep on posting, let us know how things are going. Remember take it minute by minute, hour by hour and we will be there for you.

The Nicodemon is not our friend and at times he will try and trick us, just be strong and tell him to sod off cos your better than that.


nsd_user663_17057 profile image

Well done Rachel

You have made the decision to stop, and started the process of quitting.

You have joined this site for support.

Both great first steps.

You will find the folk here very supportive and friendly, and you will always be able to talk to someone who is going through what you are going through.

The Champix is only an aid to stopping, you will need to make sure that YOU are ready to stop.

Be strong girl, you can do it.

nsd_user663_5119 profile image

Congrats on the first step Rachel...that's brilliant. If you want to do this, you will, I can promise you that. This site is fantastic if you need some encouragement, if you are feeling a bit down, or if you just need to chat to like-minded folk...

Good luck and let us know how you are getting on.


nsd_user663_7529 profile image

The stuff about buying the Rizzla and having baccy arround is learned behavior. It's not natural behaviour. One of the hardest things is "unlearning" what you've taught yourself you need. The inital physical withdrawls will only last 3 days (and if you think about it, a lot of that time you'll be asleep or in places you're not allowed to smoke). Once you get past that, you'll not need to think about buying the Rizzla to have a rollie - you'll start to dis-associate this stuff. Making you more relaxed and your quit a little easier.

Hope this makes sense and I hope it helps!

nsd_user663_5971 profile image

Well done Rachel - deciding to stop is possibly the toughest part - the actual idea of not smoking was quite scarey for me.

As for Champix - it got me off the damn things after 40+ years of loyalty to them. Champix takes away the nicotene high and all that's left the the habit or routine of smoking....... that's what you have to stop as Gary said.

You're in the right place for all the support you need. Read what people have to say about their quit, and let them know how you're doing.

nsd_user663_17297 profile image

Good Luck

Hi Rachel, I am on champix and took them for 10 days before stopping, I think everyone is different. I think they really help. I smoked around the same as you and have never tried to quit before as loved my fags and have no will power! I wish you the best of luck and this forum is a good support

All the best Crystal x

nsd_user663_17606 profile image

Thanks for the support guys.I will let you know how I get on x

nsd_user663_17808 profile image

Hi Rachel

I'm with you girl, today is my first day on Champix. Super sick 10 minutes after first pill, but found this site when looking for a cure!! I love the social/break part of smoking, but there are way more negatives then positives so this is it for me. Have quit twice before (for a shamefully long time) but this time I am never starting again.

...just not looking forward to having "morning sickness" again tomorrow :} Check in and let us know how you're doing, I need to know someone else is in the boat with me!!

nsd_user663_17057 profile image


You must make sure to take Champix with food or you will feel sick.

Good luck with your quit

nsd_user663_17606 profile image

Hi guys

Just to let you know, even though I haven't quit yet (quit date 15th Nov), I have seemed to dramatically cut down whilst seemingly not even trying. Am on day 6 of the white Champix tablets, haven't felt sick at all, but am now only smoking about 12 a day instead of my usual 20-30. Hopefully this will mean that when I start the blue ones on Thurs I'll cut down even more without realising before I finally give up on Monday morning (if not before). Normally I have my first one when I get up with a cup of tea (my breakfast for the last 21 years :o ) but for the last two days I haven't bothered for at least an hour. Good luck everyone and keep strong. Thanks for all your encouragement x

nsd_user663_17797 profile image

Hi Rachel, just wanted to say you're an inspiration. I start on Champix tomorrow. I'm partly really excited and partly terrified, and it's great to hear that the champix is helping you.

Best of luck for the 15th :) That's my starting stopping date too, let's hope we make it!

nsd_user663_17606 profile image

Hi Vonny

I'm no inspiration, believe terrified of idea why, but I would like my next birthday to be the first adult birthday I have ever had as a non smoker. Good luck for Monday hon...let me know how you get on..we'll do it together

Rachel x

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

Hi Rachel, I'm on Champix and my quit date is around the 18th and I'm also petrified. In fact the more I read stuff and write stuff about quitting the more frightened I'm becoming. I don't know why I feel that way either. I want to do this, I wouldn't be popping the pills otherwise, I'm just so scared of...... something :confused:

nsd_user663_17606 profile image

Hi Looper

Horrible isn't it. But think how we'll feel in a few days/weeks/months time. I think I'm just scared of giving up the habit, how I will fill my time etc as it has been a part of my life for so long. BUT...I AM GOING TO BE STRONG AND CONQUER THIS ADDICTION....firstly for me and then for my family. Good luck & let me know how you get on xx

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

Hi Looper

Horrible isn't it. But think how we'll feel in a few days/weeks/months time. I think I'm just scared of giving up the habit, how I will fill my time etc as it has been a part of my life for so long. BUT...I AM GOING TO BE STRONG AND CONQUER THIS ADDICTION....firstly for me and then for my family. Good luck & let me know how you get on xx

YOu can both do this. I won't lie at times it is really hard. I have just had a hard couple of days, but after a few words of wisdom and a youtube clip (its on the reasons for quitting thread) I am so pleased I didn't cave in and smoke. 4 weeks without smoking and I feel great. I know that you can both do this and you will feel better for it.

Sian xx

nsd_user663_16723 profile image

You all can do this, you are bound to be nervous. I was dreading my day one, but that was over 3 weeks ago, and i'm still quit. Just use this forum for support, lean on us and before you know it you'll be quit and feeling glad that you did. good luck :)

nsd_user663_17606 profile image

Just to let you know I have completed my 1st day as a non-smoker!! It was interesting as I normally plan my working day around having a fag. But I coped with copious amounts of pear drops (my dentist will love me!). Looking forward to day 2 tomorrow!!

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

Well done Hun. If you are worried about too many sweets have a look on google for sugar free sweets and loads of suppliers will come up, just watch how many you eat as the sugar free bit can cause gas and have a laxative effect.


nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Well done Rachel,

Congrats on the Day one here as i write your on your day 2. Oh mate that is such good news and keep it up. Dont let the Nicodemon try and lure his way back in because your stronger than him and can do this.

Well done and keep it up


nsd_user663_17365 profile image

Hi Rachel

I consider myself to be a totally confirmed smoker and am now on day 4 - believe me it's relatively easy on Champix. I say relatively only because I had some minor adjustment problems to the drug, but trust me, once you're on proper, it really works. Above that, you will need to deal with some cravings. I have experienced them as very soft pangs in the belly and a feeling of irritability. Wait them out! They go just as fast as they come! Explain to your hubby and kids that you need their support and to try and understand your sometimes changing moods / feelings.

What you can look forward to is feeling extremely proud of yourself for quitting. On day 2 I felt as if I owned the world! Today (day 4) I'm really okay, and I mean that. I've had maybe one or two small cravings, nothing to write home about, but the totally empowered feeling of being in control is priceless as a long time slave to smoking.

All my fears of not being able to write on my PC (as I'm doing now) without a smoke, as well as talking on the phone, driving etc. is nonsense. YOU CAN DO IT!

This site and all who are here are absolutely mind blowingly amazing! So much support from such wonderful people! The best thing since Truffle Oil!


Bon Chance!


nsd_user663_17388 profile image

Hi Rachel

I consider myself to be a totally confirmed smoker and am now on day 4 - believe me it's relatively easy on Champix. I say relatively only because I had some minor adjustment problems to the drug, but trust me, once you're on proper, it really works. Above that, you will need to deal with some cravings. I have experienced them as very soft pangs in the belly and a feeling of irritability. Wait them out! They go just as fast as they come! Explain to your hubby and kids that you need their support and to try and understand your sometimes changing moods / feelings.

What you can look forward to is feeling extremely proud of yourself for quitting. On day 2 I felt as if I owned the world! Today (day 4) I'm really okay, and I mean that. I've had maybe one or two small cravings, nothing to write home about, but the totally empowered feeling of being in control is priceless as a long time slave to smoking.

All my fears of not being able to write on my PC (as I'm doing now) without a smoke, as well as talking on the phone, driving etc. is nonsense. YOU CAN DO IT!

This site and all who are here are absolutely mind blowingly amazing! So much support from such wonderful people! The best thing since Truffle Oil!


Bon Chance!


I have to say i completely agree with the above Rachel, as of yesterday I've not smoked, I'm at the end of the second week on max dose, the cravings are minimal and I also got that funny gut feeling when experiencing a craving, but it went as soon as it came.

Lets' all keep going - it's sooo worth it!!

nsd_user663_19605 profile image

hi im carrie ,im in the same boat as you guys ive been on my champix since fri , down to 6 fags instead of 20 + think ill be down to none over next couple of days , just wondered if anyone else has got bad tummy ache and mood swings and how long it lasts ?? i think this forum is great every ones giving out positive thoughts and tips etc and wow its great to know im not the only one trying to give up didnt realise how big this is ,feel much better for seeing this support forum :)

nsd_user663_17606 profile image

Hi Carrie

Glad you found the forum, you'll find some great support in here.

Firstly well done on your decision to quit :D

Didn't have stomach ache with the Champix, but mood swings - yes. But I think that's more to do with giving up smoking. Are you taking the tablets after eating?, this helps with sickness so maybe would help with the stomach pains. Well done on cutting down, just seems to happen naturally doesn't it.

Read, read ,read..all the info on this forum. Some people have links in their signatures to some excellent websites. Put 'tales from the quit' in your search engine (sorry, rubbish at posting links :o), as you may find it helpful if not inspiring.

And join the December quit group if there is one, if not, make one so you are helped by other people at the same stage as you.

I never thought I'd manage a day, let alone a whole month (this is what most people feel at the beginning) but you'll get there.

Good luck with your journey xx

nsd_user663_18536 profile image

Haha Just spotted the change in your signature

Bugger the debts - go on your 40th ;)

nsd_user663_9065 profile image

Likw what some one said .If you really want to do this you will . Be strong :)And good luck .Well done on your 1st day xx

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