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My Ovacome

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All posts for July 2011

Any tips for dealing with fatigue associated with surgical menopause?

I seem to be really, really tired most of the time (not even a strong cuppa wake...
dundeegirl profile image

reoccurence of borderline mucinous tumor

Hi I'm new. I had a mucinous tumor removed last year aged 32. Unfortunately it h...
Heffmeister profile image

life expectancy

sarah Has anyone ever asked their oncologist what sort of life expectancy someo...
Sarah23 profile image
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dianosed in march given chemo carboplatin and taxol after last scan told by oncologist chemo had worked but was some small tumours in the

liver which is secondary oc is there anyone else who has the same i have been to...
nikki9 profile image

What foods to eat?

Can anyone indicate a straight forward book that contains the foods one should e...
IMLF profile image

I had symptoms of ovarian cancer 7 months ago and ultrasound scan and CT were normal - symptoms have continued - see below

I am a 39 year female - In December last year I suddenly lost my appetite and va...
LindseyM profile image

Ladycare Magnets

Dear all I was diagnosed in January with a stage 2c and as aresult of debaulkin...
Eleni profile image

David Servan-Schreiber - Author of 'Anticancer - a new way of life'.

I am genuinely very sorry to pass on to you the news of David S-S's death yester...
Hidden profile image

Hi! I need help with alternative treatments for my mother who has done chemotherapy and radiation already.

She was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer in June of 2008 and underwent a hy...
shishu95 profile image

Ovarian Cancer

I was diagnosed with 3c ovarian cancer in November 2008 and have had two reoccur...
jeanv profile image


My ca125 was 17,18,17 then now 21 I had good labwork and ct scan was clean. Sho...
aerobiccrazy profile image

Penny brohn cancer care centre Bristol

hi everyone, I wanted to tell people about the above care centre. I attended on...
Jacks150 profile image

pain pain and more pain

hiya ladies, does anyone have aches and pains especially in their legs since tr...
parvinc profile image

Diagnosed with ovarian cancer in March

Diagnosed with oc in march 2011 and told possibility of tumours in the liver. H...
nikki9 profile image

year of reccurence

Hi Ruth, If your O.C was to come back in one year, does that mean that it would...

A Big Public "Thank You' to WendyDee - Menopause Symptoms!

I had not started my menopause when, in January 2009, I had a radical hysterecto...
Hidden profile image

Keeping focus for you and the family

Hi all, I was diagnosed stage 3C in Sept 09. Initially I took the treatment, tol...
gmsk profile image


Can women go onto live long lives with O.C? is it best not to get O.C back the f...
Sarah23 profile image

Would my hysteroscopy detect ovarian cancer?

Hi...I wrote on here a week or so ago and had some fruitful and reassuring answe...
Hidden profile image

Help Please?? Mum's CA125 rising again after 2 months

My Mum aged 71 was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer last September with a CA125 of ...
SusanC profile image

any advice?

please can someone help me? i was diagnosed with a large endometrioma last septe...
Hidden profile image

I have a difficult decsion to make....advice needed.

In the middle of May I collapsed and was rushed into hospital, it turned out tha...
homphomp profile image

Feeling a shocked,stressed and confused at borderline diagnosis, any advice?

I am 38 and had an ovary and cyst removed 4 weeks ago, I had another cyst remove...
AMK123 profile image

C125 will it come down?

I went to see my Oncologist last friday and he said that he would like my C125 n...
Sarah23 profile image

My story...

I was In Africa last year having treatment for lymes when an examination showed ...
kitjules profile image

Ginger Root

I would suggest anyone who has or had ovarian cancer read the attached link. I ...
EllenMc profile image

Anyone with similar experience to my own with stage 3c cancer having completed treatment?

Anyone else like me with stage 3c ovarian cancer who has had chemo, surgery, the...
carrie profile image

Since Dose 2 of Taxol & Carboplatin, I get the most awful pain in my back - acid reflux I'm assuming which seems to last for 2/3 days.

This reflux pain is worse than any I have had before and it is so disabling arou...
BuntyB profile image

CA125 doubled and not sure whats in CTscan yet

This feels so long winded to type but here goes...Dec2010, chronic pain thought ...
ally65 profile image

Scan Results Today

Hi everyone... I have been trying to stay positive over the past few weeks but ...
Gilly44 profile image