Diagnosed with oc in march 2011 and told possibility of tumours in the liver. Had chemo carboplatin and taxol, six sessions. Went to see oncologist today who confirmed that the tumours in the liver had shrunk and were dormant. Told that i would probably need more treatment in future for oc as it would probably return. Have to go back for an appointment in 6 weeks when they will look at my ca125 if ok then in three months time hopefully then longer periods of time. trying to stay positive.
Diagnosed with ovarian cancer in March - My Ovacome
Diagnosed with ovarian cancer in March

Hi Nikki,
Sorry to read of your diagnosis, but it sounds as if your chemo has been useful. Did you have surgery?
Just remember; 'probably' isn't 'definitely',and there's loads you can do to give yourself lots of chance that it won't. As I've said many times on here (sorry for the repetition) do get hold of 'Anticancer' anticancerbook.com/, it will give you the route for your journey. Stay as positive as you can, but sometimes you'll find you can't, so talk about it and let it out. It's repressing fear and worry that makes it damaging, not just being afraid or worried.
Wishing you every good wish! (I got the 'all clear' 2 years from the end of my treatment today, so take heart from that).
Much love,

thank you isadora so glad you have all clear you must be so happy. I must admit i am feeling really scared. I didnt have a hysterectomy as the specialist said that a major op can activate the dormant cells in the liver as it puts a big stress on the body and i think as i am 69 they maybe thought i was too old.. i am still trying to come to terms with it all. love nikkix
Hi Nikki - I too was diagnosed with OC in March this year. I have had 4 rounds of chemo and about to have a radical hysterectomy. I'm really concerned that you said major surgery can activate dormant cancer cells. I want to opt out of surgery altogether but feel that I have no choice. I feel uninformed and rushed by the whole experience. The more I read about natural healing such as the Gerson Therapy the more I want to follow that route - they have had so many success stories - so there are always alternatives and if you read the Gerson book there is a wonderful story of a woman in the states who could not afford orthodox treatment - went on the Gerson therapy and has been cancer free for many many years. Stay positive x
i know how you feel my oncologist isnt that people friendly and i always feel negative when i come out from seeing him. The reason i couldnt have the op was because i have some tumours in the liver which are dormant at the moment and a major op could stress the body and reactive them. i am feeling really sscared as there dosent seem to be any proper test to tell if the cancer has returned. I am told that the blood test CA125 only tells part of the story and that i must watch out for symtems myself as they cant keep giving scans as that dosent do the body any good. I havent heard of Gerson so i am going to look it up on internet. Good luck i am sure you have the right to choose whether to have an op or not yoou must go for what you are hapy with x
Of course you are scared! However, if you read through the posts on Ovacome, you see that there are many women on here who have had many treatments and remain happy. So, even if your disease returns (and no one can say that it definitely will), there are ever-improving treatments that can be tried. If you can give your body the very best chance by supporting your immune system through diet and lifestyle, you might just find that there is not so much to fear! Try to take things a stage at a time, and find someone you can really talk to about your worries and fears.
Very best wishes,
I. xx