Polls - My Ovacome | HealthUnlocked

My Ovacome

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Which of these have you found helpful or would have liked to have been offered as part of your ovarian cancer care? (Please comment below)

Has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted your ovarian cancer treatment?

How satisfied or dissatisfied have you been with your cancer care provided via remote appointments (compared to face-to-face appointments)?

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If you have been shielding, which statement(s) best describe your experience? Please tick all that apply to you and add any comments below.

If you are supporting someone with ovarian cancer - which of the following would you find helpful?

Ovacome Members: what offers would you like to see included as part of membership?

Do you take part in any patient voice/campaigning activities?

Are you a member of Ovacome (the charity which moderates this forum)?

How did you hear about Ovacome (this forum)?

Would you like more ways to contact the Ovacome Support Service?

Do you get to spend as much time with your Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) as you would like?

Were you offered the opportunity to participate in a clinical trial as part of your treatment?

Were you aware of ovarian cancer before you (or your friend/family member) were diagnosed with it?

How old were you when you received your cancer diagnosis?

How did you first become aware of Ovacome?

How many times did you visit your GP before you were correctly diagnosed?

Which health care professional has given you the greatest support on your cancer journey?

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