Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

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All posts for March 2009

feeling better today

hi all today as been a better day for me no tears as yet and even ate healthier ...

2nd day and still going

This is the second day since my last fag, and It feels terrible, I felt ill cou...

day 3 happy or sad? not sure!

Hi everyone, its day 3 today and would first like to say well done to all others...
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This is going scarily well...

I thought I'd probably want to cave in the second my wife went out to teach. Bu...

Is it me or does it get harder - Day 7!!

Hi, this is my first time on this site, and I have just (2.30pm) got into day 7....

Day 3

The cravings are coming and going. Lots of thoughts about maybe i should give up...

Day 9

Wow were has the time gone and im on day 9 and going strong yesssssssssss im so ...

Day 11

Feeling a little numb today, dont seem to have a lot of get up and go. Sorted M...

Hot chocolate

Just realised Ive gone past the time I would have usually had a fag, forgot my h...

Going back to day 1

hello all, almost 8 weeks past without a fag, and now im ashamed. i want to appo...

Getting there!

Made it to day 3 .... and it's RED NOSE DAY!!!! We got a lot going on in work to...

Who'd've thought it!

Day 3 and not doing too badly. Last night was a bit of a tricky one, but I wa...
This-Time profile image

Day 7!!!

Hello all!:D well im on day 7 now and am pretty impressed with myself. This time...


I was struggling yesterday, day 2 and today seems even worse. I jus...

Still on track

Well, it's the morning of Day 3 and I'm still smoke free. Onwards!

Light at the end of the tunnel!

Ive been quit 8 weeks five days. Yesterday i drove about 300 miles and didn't ch...

My first day...

Hello my name is Jamie, and i'm only 15.. I know very young. I've been smoking s...

1 year for plumski

Congrats to you PLumski and welcome to the 1+ club.....:D


its now day 12 for me and ive joined this forum for some support can somebody pl...

Evenings are hard!

Day 4, days are going well, evenings are hell, I know its a mindset and I need t...

Why do we put ourselves through this!

Hello all, This is my first bash at trying to give up. Truth is, I don't exact...

Yet another day

Well I,ve made it. Another day under my belt and feeling good! Heading into day ...

Hello all you good people out there

I am setting Monday 16 March as my quit day. Have all the aids I hope I need fr...

day 8

wow - i have now officially entered day 8 (8 minutes ago) - I can't belive its b...

Day 9 !!

Unbelievable I'm still here !! Wow day 9 and in all fairness it's a good day....

I have a split personality?!? HELP!

I haven't been on here long (despite quitting 10 months ago) as I thought being ...

I just cant do it

**** it, i almost got sacked today because i was not smoking and i am moody, i k...

6 Months anniversary for Shabba

Shabba, Try as I might I couldn't just leave your 6 months celebrations buried ...

Also stuggling

hi, new on here. Not really sure what day this is, technically the second day I...

I am not happy!

Hi gang, Technically at 2pm today I begin my sixth consecutive day smoke free.....

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