I just cant do it: **** it, i almost got... - No Smoking Day

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I just cant do it

nsd_user663_4186 profile image
15 Replies

**** it, i almost got sacked today because i was not smoking and i am moody, i keep on trying but its too hard.

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nsd_user663_4186 profile image
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_4293 profile image

Whoa, slow down and calm down. Are you using anything to help you? patches or whatever?

nsd_user663_4186 profile image

I started about a week and half ago went 4 days on patches, but then i had one, then went another day and had one then went 2 days and had 10 the all days yest and i went to the shop and got some had 1 and run them under the tap. had none today cos i descied to leve my wallet at home so i couldnt buy any. only got a couple of patches left and cant afford any more, doctors say i have to go to a meeting which i cant attend as i work really long hours and cant do anything for me if i dont go, what can i do, i have only got half a pach on now and i dont want to smoke at all any more, but i feel like i have to.. some one help please!"!!

nsd_user663_4293 profile image

Right, I am not an expert and don't know all the answers. I think what the doc is talking about is that you need to see the practice nurse or somebody from a smoking cessation clinic. I am sure there must be one in your area at a time you can go.

I have got the inhalator, have you tried that? You can carry it around anywhere, it costs about a fiver for the starter pack.

Just hang on I am sure someone who is more kowledgable than me will be here soon. I am only on my 2nd day and struggling!!!

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

OK right, you need to get your head sorted.

1st off read through the whyquit website there is a free Ebook there which will give you the info you need to develop the right mental attitude.

You don't want to smoke, so don't. It is a choice, you choose not to smoke - Today.

If you can do that today, tomorrow and the next day and so on then you have quit.

Make sure that you look on quitting as gaining control of your life back, improving your health and having more money rather than making a sacrifice.

Smoking never improves anything so don't quit quitting. You can do it, loads of people do, you are no different. There are loads of people on here that have said if I can anyone can is and that is because most of us were where you are right now, at one point. The choice is yours, choose not to smoke, once you have the 1st week or 2 out of the way then you will look back on this and wonder how you could have doubted you would get so far.

nsd_user663_4186 profile image

i dont know what to do, how long am i going to feel like i would do anything for a cig?? i just want to quit and never think about again, when will it start getting better. good job i didnt bring my wallet today or i would of defo got some and then felt bad for it.

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Listen to Nic. You are not giving anything up. The feelings pass. But the more you panic about it and morn(spelling??) the loss of the smokes the worse you will feel. I was a 20 a dayer hardened addict. 5 in the morning before I could function. Then as many as I could cram in at work. It takes more than a flick of a switch to quit. There is no magical way you will avoid the cravings. BUT, if you look at it positively and read the links and post on here and be determined to win it works. The cravings go. And when they hit, you learn to deal with it. Someone very wisely on here said once, if you crave, post on here and do not cave until you have had 4 replies. By then your crave will have gone. And it works. I know. I did it. And now I am on week 5.

nsd_user663_4196 profile image

Hi tomy, im on day 2 and found today very hard in fact lots harder than yesterday, but i think i have realised an important lesson today and i hope it will help you too, i felt that if i could just stop smoking get on with my life and not think about cigs i would be ok that was yesterday, today i have realised that as a smoker or ex smoker we will all think about cigs/smoking during our quit and maybe for a long time after that, but it is what you are thinking, if i say to myself i cant do it i want a cig its too hard etc then i feel even worse and almost crack and give in to the craving but if i say to myself i have gone x amount of hours without a cig up to now and i can deal with each craving as and when it comes and this is what i want then although i am still constantly thinking about the cig/smoking issue because of what im thinking it makes me feel stronger!! maybe a lightbulb has been lit while im typing this because this is rearly the first time i have give advice and actually am dealing with a craving quite well, hope this helps just a little and try not to look to far ahead one hour at a time is how im coping.

keep posting, tracy

ByeByeFags profile image
ByeByeFags10 Years Smoke Free

Read the recommended links over and over, get in the right state of mind. If you get a craving think of it as a craving for something else, i use cravings as a trigger to take the dog for a walk, even if its raining. (if i smoked i would go outside in the rain to do it)

Why do you want to quit?

But you really must want to stop smoking.

nsd_user663_1733 profile image


Try and do what tracy has said tell your self you can do it and you will. Just take it hour by hour at first if your finding it hard but really its only as hard as you let it be. I smoked 40 a day for 35 years and quit cold turkey. Tell your self you are the boss not the fags and get controll back in your life. Good luck and remember Baby steps at first it gets much easyer after the first week.xxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4278 profile image

Chill, I am on day 18, I have 3 patches left home mine arrive soon from the UK, forgot to put my patch on the other day, managed 4 hrs before I realised!!:)

How cool is that... when I am stressed I go outside at work for a fe miniutes deeo breath and pop back in side my boss is all for it!!

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Welcome Bern

Well done your almost on three weeks. deap breathing is a very good way to releave the craves.xxxx

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Tomyp

You can do this you have been quit now for almost 2 weeks and I promise you it wll get better very soon Listen to Nic and Fiona read the links they are really helpful Take it day by day even hour by hour tell yourself I will not smoke for the next hour and when the hour is up say it again and so on

Go to your GP's practice nurse and tell her exactly how you feel could be that for whatever reason the patches don't suit you if so she will give you something else I tried patches several years ago and they didn't suit me I smoked over them this time I used Champix and stopped if you really can't get to your surgery go to a clinic there must be one fairly close to you and remember you are not losing anything but stand to gain a lot not least your health and control of your life will be yours again and read,read and then read some more

Remember there is no such word as CAN'T INSTEAD SAY I CAN AND I WILL DO THIS and say it every time you falter

I smoked for 50[yes 50] years so if I can do it so can you

Good Luck


nsd_user663_4285 profile image

i dont know what to do, how long am i going to feel like i would do anything for a cig?? i just want to quit and never think about again, when will it start getting better. good job i didnt bring my wallet today or i would of defo got some and then felt bad for it.

Ok, here's a suggestion, give yourself the most COMPELLING GOAL - What does being a non smoker mean to you? Why does this matter...what will happen if you give up? Equally what will happen if you don't give up?

Picture yourself in 3 months/6 months/2 years/10 years/40 years as a non smoker...tell me...what do you see in the picture, what do you look like, what's your attitude like, what can you hear, what do you smell like?

Now, take the feeling of desire for that ciggie (feel where it is in your body, head, stomach, etc), focus on moving that away from you down to your hand, through your fingertips and then shake that feeling away....then change what you're doing...any activity - washing up/take a bath/watch the Chris Moyles red nose climb!

Good luck - you have the power within you - BELIEVE IT!:)

nsd_user663_4016 profile image

Tomy, The only thing that made quitting easier for me was to read. I got on the links that people post on here and read them all. Understanding why we smoke helps alot. The links tell you how to get through the craves and what to expect during the different stages of quitting. You need to get your mind set that you choose not to smoke! Sure, you can go out and buy cigs anytime you want - you just choose not to! I smoked 30 cigs a day for 35 years and quit CT. If I can do it, anyone can! By reading the links below, I found it pretty easy. I actually didn't have any craves - just thoughts that would go away in a matter of minutes( realized that was what craves were - just thoughts - not physical pain) Just hang in there and read, read, read!

Quit: Jan.18, 2009

Method: CT




nsd_user663_4285 profile image

Good advice

Tomy, The only thing that made quitting easier for me was to read. I got on the links that people post on here and read them all. Understanding why we smoke helps alot. The links tell you how to get through the craves and what to expect during the different stages of quitting. You need to get your mind set that you choose not to smoke! Sure, you can go out and buy cigs anytime you want - you just choose not to! I smoked 30 cigs a day for 35 years and quit CT. If I can do it, anyone can! By reading the links below, I found it pretty easy. I actually didn't have any craves - just thoughts that would go away in a matter of minutes( realized that was what craves were - just thoughts - not physical pain) Just hang in there and read, read, read!

Quit: Jan.18, 2009

Method: CT




Great advice Jody49! Ditto!

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