Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

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All posts for October 2010

Day 9

Time:Day 9, 1 Hour, 37 minutes. Feeling: Tired/Bored Method:Cold turkey So basic...

Week 2 baby! Woo hoo!!!!!!!

Hey fellow non smokers , me and my quit pal Karen have made it into week 2 and I...

Last day in week 2

Here I am on day 14 and on the brink of entering week 3! :) Going pretty steadi...
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Day Two

:DWell Guys and Gals this is it Day 2. Still felt a little odd just getting up a...

Stupid Smoking Dream

Wasn't even a nice dream. Like walking down a beautiful sun soaked beach with a...
Levs profile image
1000 Days Smoke Free

I need a ciggie-help!!!!!

Hi guys, OMG, for the last 24 hours all i have wanted is a ciggie!!! SERIOUSLY!!...

My new reasons

Well I was here 2 years ago and I had a list of very good reasons for stopping. ...
Levs profile image
1000 Days Smoke Free


I haven't been around much over the past couple of weeks. Life has been so busy....

Bit of inspiration

Hi All Just popped back in on Day 1 to let you all know that it is worth all th...

Fell off the wagon

Hi guys, Hope you are all sticking with it. I, however, fell of the wagon today,...

They're Everywhere

I popped out to the shop today and was only out for about 30 mins. In that time...
Levs profile image
1000 Days Smoke Free

day 15 for me

Day 15 for me Good morning everyone :D That’s my second weekend completed with...

10 Months and Moaning LOL

Well I have just seen that there are some new posts on my 9 Month thread and her...

DAY 7 monday morning\

Hey guys, the weekend has come and gone and still these lungs hav'nt inhaled any...

Day 13

Unlucky for some? Not here!! :). Nearly into week 3 and still going strong. Not...

~Official Day One~

:eek:OMG Guys, This is the start of my True Day One and i am sat here at 7.27am ...

nearly on day 9 woohoo

well hi everyone, in now into my sencond week. cant believe i actually made it t...

i am the nicodemon

as a newcomer to these forums i did as most of us did, reading the posts and fol...

The Third Day

Today has been difficult, lots of mood swings, lots of eating, its been hard to ...

Day 10 and feeling proud

Well this weekend I have overcome 2 of my most stressfull situations and come th...
Levs profile image
1000 Days Smoke Free

Day 10 to leave day 9 in the dust ;)

Happy Day 10 here :) Day 9 was the pits, the hardest one YET! I don't quite get ...

My Reasons to Quit~By Nuttynursee

I have wanted to quit smoking for so long that its almost been like a fight betw...

days 4-7 diary for Snow

Good morning everyone:D So its goodbye day 3 and hello day 4 and i still cant b...

Day 11 for me !!!!!!!!!

Dear All. Just to let everone know Am up today 11 days smoke free ,Yes. Can't sa...

Last Day today-Tomorrow will be Smoke Free

Hi All, Well yesterday i only smoked 9 cigs all day when this time last week i s...

Coming off patches early

Not sure where to post this so I'll put it here. Has anyone had any success wit...

Day 11 and wobbling

Here I am on day 11 of not smoking. I've been doing OK with getting through the ...

whoop whoop weeee onto day three...

So i worked my night shift last night and am feeling rather good this morning fo...

Gonna do this cos i wanna be smoke free

Hi All, Well im new to this forum and need all the help and support going. After...

Alcohol and cravings

Hi everyone, I know its one of the cardinal rules of quitting smoking to not d...

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