Week 2 baby! Woo hoo!!!!!!!: Hey fellow non... - No Smoking Day

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Week 2 baby! Woo hoo!!!!!!!

nsd_user663_16713 profile image
11 Replies

Hey fellow non smokers , me and my quit pal Karen have made it into week 2 and I feel fantastic (ooh apart from a few coughs I had this morning!)

Yesterday went by with no hitch what so ever, I can count the number of cravings on one hand , they are not even cravings anymore but more like a fleeting thoughts, they are lasting around 30 seconds if that .

I have much more energy and more or less leapt out of bed this morning (no the misses wasn't ammused! As she's still on maternity leave! ha ha)

A little story from yesterday in work : As you probably know it's half term so i'm pretty busy in the shop with kids etc, around 11 am yesterday a lady around 35 and her young son entered the shop , the young lad picked up a drink and a bag of skittles and his mum said put them on the counter and i'll pay for them , she then asked me for 10 Lambert and butler , the total amount came to around 4 pounds 60p, after much rummaging in her purse she found she only had 4 pound on her, so logic tells us put the fags back and buy the lad a drink and some sweets. BUT (yeah you guessed it) she had the lad put back what he wanted to buy her self some ciggys! IT was at this time I was so GLAD I HAVE GIVEN UP . The kid was crying and had a very sad look on his face so I gave the kid a 20p lolly just because i felt sorry for him.

But it just goes to show that the nicotine craving takes over any logical thought process and I know people reading this have probably bought fags instead of something they intended to buy.

Anyway rant over, lol , but I think that story needed to be shared as we NON SMOKERS have all been there.


How are you hun? How was yesterday for you ?

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nsd_user663_16713 profile image
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11 Replies
nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Massive well dones on 2 weeks quit for you and Karen :D

As you say, it just goes to show what an addiction Tobacco is, we have all been addicts so we can’t be to judgemental can we, there but for the grace of God was my Mums saying and she was so right.

There have been times since I quit that I have seen a smoker and thought yuk but then I think ok at the moment I have stopped but I have to be on my guard for the rest of my life to make sure I stay quit.

Glad you gave him a lolly, let’s hope that it gave his Mum a little PANG of conscience which might make her think next time, either that or she want ever come in your shop again as she is too embarrassed LOL

nsd_user663_16713 profile image

Day 9 now and I feel my coughing is getting a tad worse especially in the morning, must be my lungs getting rid of all the years of tar built up inside them.

Apart from that i'm feeling good! But I did have to bite my tounge yesterday when my sister lit up her ciggy yesterday, I was tempted to start ranting and raving at her, but I would be one of the 'I quit brigade' which if we are all honest we hated (were jealous of) when we smoked.

So I didn't say anything at all apart from when she asked if I wanted one "No thanks I quit last week", her reply was "oh yeah you won't last long".

This just makes me even more determined to prove her wrong and show that it can be done, so in 6 months time I can then say to her "now lets see if you can do it" .

nsd_user663_16530 profile image

does't that attitude really help.

Qutting takes a lot of guts and nerves of steel.We will make it.

Good luck and you have done well.

nsd_user663_16723 profile image

Well done Del. I'm lucky as no-one in my family apart from my MIL smokes so I don't have to be around any smokers.

Although I went to my Mil's at the weekend and came straight home and showered, washed my hair and changed my clothes, as i could smell ciggies on myself. My other half thought being there would be tricky for me, i did too, as it was the first time that I had to sit in a smokey atmosphere, but to be honest it had the opposite effect, seeing her, coughing, wheezing, and looking so rough motivated me, i never want to be a slave to nicotine again.

My cough seems to be clearing up, i used to wheeze and cough all night, i remember waking up in the night and clearing my throat, now i'm sleeping so much better.

How are you finding working in the shop with all those ciggies behind you Del?

nsd_user663_16713 profile image

Hey Karen , hope your feeling better today?

Glad your keeping motivated and the trip to your Mum in laws sounds like it did more good then bad for you , thats another positive so well done you !

To be honest the ciggys in the shop do not seem to be bothering me at all, it's funny hey, I must handle hundreds of cigs everyday but the temptation to smoke one of them is almost nil! I think the warnings on the packets have helped a bit too.

Day 10 for me today and yet another 'smoker' who I told I quit and thier reaction was yeah right for how long! WOW these people are sooo annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But it just makes me more determined then ever to prove these doubters wrong!

How you doing Karen?

nsd_user663_16723 profile image

Not sure I could be around all those ciggies and not be tempted Del. I know I'm not that strong yet.

What ya got planned for the weekend? anything nice?

nsd_user663_16713 profile image

Day 11 now Karen , how you feeling hun?

This weekend I got a mates house warming party to go to! oowf temptation is going to be right in my face as he smokes quite heavy, plus he smokes indoors too! I dodged going out last weekend but I will go out this saturday armed with nicotine gum i think! I quit cold Turkey and think if I take some gum with me I will be ok to chew on gum rather than smoke when I have a drink? What do you think ????

To be honest I had a thought this morning saying : All the boys will be smoking so why not just smoke and stop again on sunday! But I know this is a very slippery slope!!! Arrrghhh help me please!!! :(

It's weird as I don't feel any need for ciggy now or havn't had any major cravings for a while but the thought of having a drink and no ciggy terrifies me! What's that all about!!

anyway , what you up to karen ?

nsd_user663_17057 profile image

Hang in there buddy

I went to a mates house yesterday, and he has gone back on the ciggies, and I sat across the table from him and it didn't make me want to smoke.

So perhaps you will be OK.

Not to say that the rest of the time I don't have mad cravings:mad:

nsd_user663_16723 profile image

Day 11 now Karen , how you feeling hun?

This weekend I got a mates house warming party to go to! oowf temptation is going to be right in my face as he smokes quite heavy, plus he smokes indoors too! I dodged going out last weekend but I will go out this saturday armed with nicotine gum i think! I quit cold Turkey and think if I take some gum with me I will be ok to chew on gum rather than smoke when I have a drink? What do you think ????

To be honest I had a thought this morning saying : All the boys will be smoking so why not just smoke and stop again on sunday! But I know this is a very slippery slope!!! Arrrghhh help me please!!! :(

It's weird as I don't feel any need for ciggy now or havn't had any major cravings for a while but the thought of having a drink and no ciggy terrifies me! What's that all about!!

anyway , what you up to karen ?

Oh Del, I dunno. If you are thinking like that it might be better to avoid going, I really don't know. I'm not much of a drinker, i can't remember the last time i had a boozey drink

nsd_user663_16713 profile image

Last day of week 2 then i'm outta here............ well onto week 3 anyway! lol

YAY Feeling fantastic today , Went to a house party on sat and although I had copious amounts of alcohol I did not inhale a puff!!!

I won't lie I was so close to having one , I had it in my hand and was making my way outside until my mate grabbed it off me and said 'what the hell do you think your doing?' it was funny cos he's a smoker! This was quite late on in the evening too and i'm just glad he was there.

I woke up on sunday morning with a little hangover but not as bad as when I smoked (I know it's weird but I honestly feel if I smoked i'd have been in bed all day!)

I did have nicotine chewing gum though, I only took it to keep temptation at bay and it worked a treat for me!

I cannot begin to describe how proud of myself I am and I know now in future I don't need to smoke with a drink! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Karen if your around , how was your weekend hunni?

Can you believe it's 14 days today since we quit??? :D:D:D

nsd_user663_16723 profile image

Hey Delboy :P

Sooooooooooo glad you didn't give in. I thought you were deserting me and was gonna hunt you down :D

Seriousley though, well done for not smoking. Not sure I'd be that strong. 2 weeks hun?!? How fast has that gone?

Not what you're looking for?

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