I need a ciggie-help!!!!!: Hi guys, OMG, for... - No Smoking Day

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I need a ciggie-help!!!!!

nsd_user663_14114 profile image
22 Replies

Hi guys,

OMG, for the last 24 hours all i have wanted is a ciggie!!! SERIOUSLY!! The thought of "i need a ciggie" and " having a ciggie will make everything better" is all that i have been thinking!!

My son nearly got rushed to hospital today and the 1st thing i thougt of was "i want a ciggie"...HELP, kick my butt!!

you all kno wi am a big fan of tough love, so give it to me!!!! PLEASE!!!

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nsd_user663_14114 profile image
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22 Replies
nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi guys,

OMG, for the last 24 hours all i have wanted is a ciggie!!! SERIOUSLY!! The thought of "i need a ciggie" and " having a ciggie will make everything better" is all that i have been thinking!!

My son nearly got rushed to hospital today and the 1st thing i thougt of was "i want a ciggie"...HELP, kick my butt!!

you all kno wi am a big fan of tough love, so give it to me!!!! PLEASE!!!

Oh poor Claire, I am so sure that if you had had a cig your son would have miraculously been ok and the clock would have gone back in time so no stress, YOU WISH, of course it wouldn’t and 10 years down the Road you would be winging that you wished you had quit and stayed quit all those years ago. So go for it, have a cig but just do not come on here in a week’s time saying you wish you hadn’t, there you go tough love big time.

Take care babe and please don’t smoke you will not feel better I can promise you that xxxxx

nsd_user663_16474 profile image


A cig won't make anything different except make you feel worse and set your quit back.

Resist with all your might Claire. You don't need to smoke!!!!

Stay strong!!

Ed xxx

nsd_user663_16474 profile image


Please say you didn't smoke!!!

Ed xx

nsd_user663_14941 profile image

I had one of those days today too... but we're stronger than the nicodemon! Just hope he realises it and backs down soon..... before I grow to enormous proportions on the chips, cheese and gravy that I find works well as a defence!

Go on... stick your tongue out, waggle your fingers and sing.... "you ca-an't get me!!" bestsmileys.com/tongs/3.gif

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Didn't smoke!

Yay, i didnt smoke! Came close a few times, but after i posted this, i went to bed and hid under the covers!

thanks guys,

Jam, thats exactly what i needed, a huge thanks.

Feeling fine again today! I am just wondering why its becomming so hard all of a sudden!

of course i have heard about the dreaded 3's, so thats obviously what i am going through *sigh*, oh well, onwards and upwards!!

nsd_user663_3117 profile image

So sorry I missed this Claire and a huge well done for getting through it hon....I'm the same I can still get hit with HUGE craves and seriously didn't think I would this far in but I guess we all smoked for years and can't change that mindset overnight......

Last time I gave up in 08 my daughter was rushed into hospital with suspected meningitis (she was 4 at the time) and what was the 1st thing that entered my mind once I knew she was OK? Yep, time for a ciggie - it's mental the hold / triggers it has over us and a big wake up call to how sooooo addictive and ingrained it is......

Stay strong girl!

Love, Jane xx

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

oh jeez...this just gets worse and worse! Really feeling it again today!

To all you female smokers- did you notice cravings getting worse when you were/are due on your period? I am noticing that i seem to get them every month about that time! But this month is the WORST ever!

Kicks up the bum welcome!

nsd_user663_3117 profile image


Oh no I don't think my pic worked of a kick up the ........

I think I'm with you on the time of the month thing but never put 2 and 2 together.......

Oh Claire I'm sorry you're going through a rough time but know you're not alone, I'm seriously doubting myself one minute, half way out of the door to buy fags the next and then fine another minute later....tis doing my head in!!

Jane x

nsd_user663_14941 profile image

oh jeez...this just gets worse and worse! Really feeling it again today!

To all you female smokers- did you notice cravings getting worse when you were/are due on your period? I am noticing that i seem to get them every month about that time! But this month is the WORST ever!

Kicks up the bum welcome!

I never put two and two together but you may be right! I'm due in the next couple of days and the past couple of days have been really bad, MUCH worse than usual ... and feeling really 'down' too..... makes sense now....!!bestsmileys.com/sad/8.gif

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Cheers Jane,

sorry to hear you are having a tough time of it too, but in a very selfish way i am glad of the company (sorry!).

Fighting the urge to pop accross to the corner shop and get some tobacco...we will be fine, we will resist...right!??

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

I never put two and two together but you may be right! I'm due in the next couple of days and the past couple of days have been really bad, MUCH worse than usual ... and feeling really 'down' too..... makes sense now....!!bestsmileys.com/sad/8.gif

at least i know there is a reason i guess! Thanks Cantante!

nsd_user663_3117 profile image

Double PMT!!!! Good grief what next...................:eek:

Claire deep breaths and a large glass of wine might help!!!! And yes you can feel glad that we're sharing the pain!

On another note, I notice you're studying, I'm seriously considering doing some distance learning thing as I really wished I'd continued studying - how do you find time to study with your life & boys etc??? I work part time so will need to fit in studying, volunteering (part of course), working 25 hours a week and looking after my daughter - on top of being scared to death of trying to learn anything new as it's been 20 years since I was at school!!!:o

Jane x

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Double PMT!!!! Good grief what next...................:eek:

Claire deep breaths and a large glass of wine might help!!!! And yes you can feel glad that we're sharing the pain!

On another note, I notice you're studying, I'm seriously considering doing some distance learning thing as I really wished I'd continued studying - how do you find time to study with your life & boys etc??? I work part time so will need to fit in studying, volunteering (part of course), working 25 hours a week and looking after my daughter - on top of being scared to death of trying to learn anything new as it's been 20 years since I was at school!!!:o

Jane x

Hi Jane,

how do i find time to study?? i have no idea!! I have 18 hours of lectures a week, 6 hours of volunteering a week, then 15 hours of reading a week, as well as being a single mum with 2 lovely boys, a house to run etc.

Then, when the kids are in bed (roughly 9pm for my oldest) i actually have to sit down and do WORK (like essay writing, report writing, research etc).

No wonder i am stressed all the time!!

It is knackering, i am ALWAYS tired, but i LOVE it! Wouldnt change it for anything (well, a years worth of earlynights and a hot buble bath sounds tempting!).

I think the most important thing is that you have to have a passion for what you are studying, or you wont be able to fit it in.

Yeah, double PMT, NOT good, hahahaha!!!

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

I also had a bad time round the 3 months mark but cant think what my excuse was as I didnt have the you know whats, just a very crap time of it, it did pass though so hang in there and I can promise you that the 6 months mile stone has the turning point every one looks for, its onwards and upwards from then.

Dont give in or I will have to send the smoogy monster to get you all, and believe me he is much scarier than the nicco demon and not so easy to get away from he will live under your bed hee hee 54555455

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Hi Jam,

oooh, the smoogy monster sounds scary- i shall definately make sure i dont smoke!

I cant wait until that 6 month mark!!

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

You will reach it and honest it is like turning a corner and coming back to life, their were times during the first six months when I would ask myself why I quit but now I know why, its because I can and because I want to.

The longer the quit goes on the more dtermined you get to feel, so you see it is all worth it and you will spend the rest of your life thanking yourself that you quit and stayed quit.

nsd_user663_17057 profile image


Hang in there girl !!

Chase away that little nicodemon b****r.

Send him packing.

big hugs

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Thanks everyone who has helped me stay strong! I am back as strong as ever today, no cravings and am thanking my lucky stars that i didnt smoke! PHEW!

nsd_user663_3117 profile image

Never doubted you hon (or us ;))

Jane x

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

How are you getting on Jane? Are things any easier for you?

If you are interested, or need reminding of your reasons to quit, i have started a thread called "just a quick reminder for all those struggling".

nsd_user663_3117 profile image

Hey my lovely.....

Bit better but not greatly hmphhhhh

I'll go find that thread! I posted an update on the group page.

Jane x

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Hi Jane,m i have replied on the group page.

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