days 4-7 diary for Snow: Good morning... - No Smoking Day

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days 4-7 diary for Snow

nsd_user663_9220 profile image
18 Replies

Good morning everyone:D

So its goodbye day 3 and hello day 4 and i still cant believe how good i am feeling!!

It could be that i actually got a lay in today for the first time in ages!!! Hubby got up with the boys and only woke me when he was leaving for football. I normally go to watch my 10 year old, but today is only a friendly and the team we were supposed to play seem to have bottled it as we are undefeated , not bad for a team who have just started 11 aside!!

Will be another busy day for me, so my mind will be occupied ... countless housework as normal ( its like fighting a losing battle in my house lol ) got a yummy roast dinner to cook and really must clean out the car!!!

Got a night shift again tonight and start earlier than normal at 6pm, am supposed to be on a weeks holiday but they were stuck!! Then when i finish in the morning i have got to drive to Southhampton to take my in laws for their cruise :eek:

Route planner is showing its a 2.5 hour journey from where i am, so i think that will be a challenge as i do enjoy a smoke when driving!!

Right so theres my essay for the day yet again lol

I know i really ramble on, but find that it really helps :o

speak soon Snowie xx

p.s i wish there was someone else on day 4 with me :(

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nsd_user663_9220 profile image
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18 Replies
nsd_user663_16474 profile image

Good morning everyone

So its goodbye day 3 and hello day 4 and i still cant believe how good i am feeling!!

It could be that i actually got a lay in today for the first time in ages!!! Hubby got up with the boys and only woke me when he was leaving for football. I normally go to watch my 10 year old, but today is only a friendly and the team we were supposed to play seem to have bottled it as we are undefeated , not bad for a team who have just started 11 aside!!

Will be another busy day for me, so my mind will be occupied ... countless housework as normal ( its like fighting a losing battle in my house lol ) got a yummy roast dinner to cook and really must clean out the car!!!

Got a night shift again tonight and start earlier than normal at 6pm, am supposed to be on a weeks holiday but they were stuck!! Then when i finish in the morning i have got to drive to Southhampton to take my in laws for their cruise :eek:

Route planner is showing its a 2.5 hour journey from where i am, so i think that will be a challenge as i do enjoy a smoke when driving!!

Right so theres my essay for the day yet again lol

I know i really ramble on, but find that it really helps :o

speak soon Snowie xx

p.s i wish there was someone else on day 4 with me :(

You've made it to day 4 Snowie! That's a great start! Remember, one day, one hour, one minute at a time. You've been here before so you don't need me to tell you that the first few days present you with many triggers for the first time since you chose to take back your life. Keep strong and vigilante and you can weather them. You *CAN* do this and we're all here to offer support :).

Ed xx

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Thank you Ed ;)

Yep been here before many times :eek:

But more determined this time around. :D


nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Day 6!!

Well i have made it to day 6, but day 5 was really wobbly for me.

Finished my night shift at 8am and normally at handover i go out for a cig with who ever is taking over from me and so was hard to stand there and watch them puffing away but i did it :D

Rushed back home, woke my 12 yr old and got ready to take in laws to Southampton. Journey there was no problem at all, it was when i had dropped them off i started to have the cravings, so my son and me went around the shops for a few hours.

It was when we were leaving to come home i was getting the sat nav back out the glove box when i noticed a roll up in there :eek: i looked at my son and said omg i really want that now i have seen it, but the look of dissapointment on my sons face was heart breaking and he said "mum, please dont it aint worth it" i so knew he right, so i gave it to him to throw out the window, which he did quite happily "phew* how close was that!!! The rest of the journey home was a breeze even though it took over 3 hours as the congestion was bad in places!

Last night went by quickly and hubby's smoking didnt even bother me!!

So now day 6 is here and feeling all positive again, just feel brilliant that i got over another few hurdles yesterday!

Going take the boys up the park later to waste some time and also being out the house stops them all from arguing lol

Hope everyone is doing great???

Speak soon

Snowie xx

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Welcome Back

Hi Babe, it is so good to see you back and posting again, I missed you.

You are sounding so much more positive this time and I am sure that you will come through with flying colours as well.

A long journey was always one of my greatest fear as like you I smoked in the car but once I had done it the first time it was actually better as I didn’t have to keep wiping ash of my clothes, ugh how gross does that sound but it was the truth, OH reckons that the smell of fags was absolutely awful. This time use the forum if you feel a crave coming on, we are all here for you as you have been there for us in the past, take care and speak soon.

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Morning hunny ;)

Yes i am more positive than last time!! I have just had enough of everything about it, the smell the taste the ash etc etc and yes it does all sound disgusting to me now.

I will keep on the forum now, it is a great help


nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Your're doing just great snowie. Well done, keep up that PMA


nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Thanks Tinks :D


nsd_user663_9220 profile image

day 7

Well omg!! I have reached 7 days!!

Am trying not to feel too elated just yet, as i have been here before many times. So am still going to take one day at a time in fact sometimes it will be one hour at a time.

Feel much more positive this time around, but thats today!! Will probably wake tomorrow and not feel the same, but as i am a SERIAL QUITTER i know the signs very well and have already jotted down in my mind what to do if i dont feel so positive!

Will be on and off all day today, i just feel i have to keep this forum open all day so i can jump on and read.. anyone else like that?

Snowie x

nsd_user663_16474 profile image

That's great Snowie. Week 2 tomorrow!!

Keep that positivity going and you'll win this battle!!

I also have this forum open whenever I'm at a PC. I find it very helpful to browse even if I don't post.

Good luck!!

Ed xx

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Thanks Ed :)

this forum is a god send


nsd_user663_9220 profile image

this forum is a god send

And dont i need it right now!!! Having a big wobbly arrgggghhhhhhhhhh

Really really fancy a smoke, have a dry throat and feel that need to coat it with smoke!!! :eek:

Im ok in the day but it gets to this time of night... house nice and quiet, kids all in bed and i just want to have a cuppa and a smoke!!!

Even got the shakes.... grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

bah humbug is what i say as i cant swear :mad:

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Have just told Claire and I will tell you the same, dont smoke and if you do I will send the Smoogy Monster to get 5456

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

im not going to hun, just have a real big need to and finding it hard to shrug it off like i have been...

Doesnt help hubby in the kitchen smoking as i can really smell it when i go in there :mad: How tempting is that to go and take it out of his hand and puff away!!! Not that he would let me anyway, he is very good at saying no i have done well!! Just wish the temptation would go *sigh*


nsd_user663_17057 profile image

Be strong Snow, just one hour at a time.

Hang in there.

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Thanks Garry,

Well i didnt give in, battled with my mind all night then went and sulked in bed :D


nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Hope today is better

Hi Snow

Just read your post from last night. Sorry that you were on a bit of a downer and i was not online to help too, i was busy knitting OH's scarf...anyhow... I hope today is better for you and dont give in Hun its not worth it. You have come such a long way and i can only suggest maybe getting your OH to do what i had to do when my OH gave up 5 years ago which is smoke outside, that way its not in your face so to speak and you will then benefit better from the non smoking as it still lingers in the air etc.

I know its personal choice but i found by changing and going outside no one else had to have my nasty ciggy leftovers. Now of course thats helping me because the house is clean and fresh and im not reminded at all as no one else smokes here anymore.

Good luck hun, if you ever want to i can send over my Home number and you can call me when you need to. ;)


Jo xx

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

Hi Snow,

So glad you managed to get through last night. You have have really regretted it this morning and been kicking yourself.

I agree with Jo in that maybe suggesting to you OH about smoking outside. When my husband and I moved into our house from our flat I stopped smoking indoors as it wasn't fair on him, but I did have my shed to go into so was out of the elements and had my heater lol.

Remember, one hour at a time and that each craving means your still not smoking so they are good things.

S xx

nsd_user663_17057 profile image

Hey Snowie

Well done, we're all proud of you, one more day without the Mr Nic.

I went across to my neighbour today, and the silly sod has started smoking again. He had quit a few weeks ago, and was my inspiration to stop.

Well I even sat through him smoking across the table from me, and to be honest it didn't make me want one. Which I don't understand because this morning I all I wanted was a ciggie.

Stange game this giving up.

Not what you're looking for?

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